Statistics (Totals/Locations)
Miles: about 270 miles
Days: 3 days
States: Albuerque, NM to Durango, CO
Transportation: Bus from Durango, CO back to Albuqerque, NM
Expenses: - Unknown

Day 1, July 3, 1987
Daily Bike Miles: 160 miles
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico to Bloomfeild, NM
Points of interest:
1. hot springs north of San Ysidro, next to highway 44
2. Three large cows staring at me when I woke up
3. I fell asleep on an anthill
4. Bar and liquir store near highway
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Motel

Day 2, July 4, 1987
Daily Bike Miles: 110 miles
Location: Bloomfeild, NM to Durange, CO to Purgatory Ski Area
Points of interest:
1. kids in the back of a truck throwing firecrackers
2. Alpine Slide at Purgatory Ski area
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Marty Jaramillo brother Mark's place - Ceramics shop

Day 3, July 5, 1987
Daily Bike Miles: 0 miles
Location: Durange, CO to Albuquerque, NM
Points of interest:
1. None
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Bus back to Albuqerque, NM