Photos from Ted's Mexico bike ride.

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Ted's bike next to turned over diesel truck near Mexico Interstate 15 D.
Ted's bike next to turned over diesel truck near Mexico Interstate 15 D.

Church at main square in Rosamorada (Ted thinks - Possible north of Rosamorada)
Church at main square in Rosamorada (Ted thinks - Possible north of Rosamorada)

Sand castles on beaches in Puerto Vallarta
Sand castles on beaches in Puerto Vallarta

 Whale head from boat trip Ted took in Puerto Vallarta
Whale head from boat trip Ted took in Puerto Vallarta

Ted's bike near highway sign on Mexico Highway 200 south of turn off to Manzanillo.
Ted's bike near highway sign on Mexico Highway 200 south of turn off to Manzanillo.

Photo of Ted taken be Fire fighter at rest stop.
Photo of Ted taken be Fire fighter at rest stop.

Tarantulas near highway 200
Tarantulas near highway 200

Homes near Highway 200.
Homes near Highway 200.

Town entrance to San Marcos, south of Acapulco
Town entrance to San Marcos, south of Acapulco

Fireworks from Andrea's room at Crown Plaza Hotel in Acapulco.
Fireworks from Andrea's room at Crown Plaza Hotel in Acapulco.

Nice house with beautiful car between Tangolumda and Puerto Angel.

Nice house with beautiful car between Tangolumda and Puerto Angel.

Birds at Rio Copalita a little east of Tangolunda

Birds at Rio Copalita a little east of Tangolunda