Photos from Ted's Argentina bike ride.
Ted's bike at the southern tip of South America, Tierra del Fuego National park.
The friend of the trucker and Ted's bike on the truck that took Ted to Esquel.
Ted sharing the local social tea, Yerba mate, with a local family.
An artist in El Boson took this picture of Ted on his bike.
Ted with a group of student in Bariloche.
A group of bikers from Argentina near a lake north of Bariloche.
People that Ted met at a bar (Left to right: a biker from Holland, a guacho from Argentina and a biker from Argentina).
Ted on the road that follows mountains that are about 20,000 feet high. Ted is standing on the back highway to San Juan.
People riding in the back of trucks near Calingasta.
The police officers that gave Ted a ride from downtown San Juan to the Rodreguez's house. Notice Ted's bike is in the back of the police car.
Ted drinking beer with the Rodreguez's.
A picture Ted took of Christmas Eve dinner with the Rodriguz family.
Ted drinking Sidra with farmers at Laguna Mar Chiquita.
A store across the street from a milk distributing plant.
A Vizachas looking for food at El Palmer campground.
Ted in the palm trees at El Palmer National Park.