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Statistics (Totals/Locations)
Miles Biked: about 361.61 miles
Days of biking: 16 days
Country: Zimbabwe, Africa
Flight information
Total Recorded Expenses: = $4024.59 US (lots not recorded)
Day -2, Wednesday, July 21, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Points of interest:
1. Broke a spoke, replacement spokes did not fit.
2. Chipped a tooth.
Expenses: 0 USD – no known trip related expenses
Accommodations: Apartment in Vancouver, Washington
Day -1, Thursday, July 22, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Points of interest:
1. Bought spokes to fit bike
2. Worked until 5:30 PM
3. Picked up a rental car at the airport.
4. Went to laundromat.
5. Talked to Annette on the phone for about an hour.
6. Cleaned my apartment for about an hour
Expenses: 0 USD – no known trip related expenses
Accommodations: Apartment in Vancouver, Washington
Day 0, Friday, July 23, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Vancouver, Washington to San Francisco, California to flight to New York City.
Points of interest:
1. Worked on my bike until 1:30 AM
2. Finished packing for my trip to Africa at 4:00 AM.
3. Slept for about 3 hours, waking up at about 7:00 AM
4. Worked until 12:30 PM
5. I arrived at the airport around 3:30 PM
6. Boarded flight to San Francisco at around 6:30 PM.
7. Boarded flight to New York City at around 10:00 PM.
Expenses: $125.00 USD, only recorded expense
Accommodations: Slept on plane heading to New York City
Day 1, Saturday, July 24, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Flight to New York City to New York City Airport to flight to Johannesburg, South Africa
Points of interest:
1. At the New York City airport I met Becky that was going on the Bike Africa trip with me.
2. My headphones did not work on my flight to Johannesburg
Expenses: 0 USD, mostly not known
Accommodations: Slept at New York City airport and on flight to Johannesburg, South Africa.
Day 2, Sunday, July 25, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Flight to Johannesburg, South Africa to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. At the Johannesburg airport I met Ezra that was going on the Bike Africa trip with me.
2. My luggage did not make it to Harare, Zimbabwe.
3. Went to a Museum in Harare, Zimbabwe.
4. Bought a cheap postage card.
5. Went back to the airport and still no luggage, then we flew to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
6. Met most of the other people on the bike Africa tour at the Zim-Zone hotel in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Expenses: 50 ZWD, Post card and mostly not known
Accommodations: Zim-Zone hotel in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Day 3, Monday, July 26, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. Woke up at 6:30 AM and walked around the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
2. Went to a Museum.
3. Our bikes did not show up until later in the afternoon (I kept thinking the bike would not arrive in time)
4. Went to a bar in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and was told it was dangerous for us to be in a bar.
Expenses: 94 ZWD, Telephone call and mostly not known
Accommodations: Zim-Zone hotel in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Day 4, Tuesday, July 27, 1999
Daily Miles: 28.67 miles
Location: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe to Hlenkweni training center, Zimbabwe (Khami)
Points of interest:
1. Khami ruins
2. Cycled to Hlenkweni training center
3. Gary joined our tour as we were headed to Hlenkweni training center.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Hlenkweni training center
Day 5, Wednesday, July 28, 1999
Daily Miles: 21.23 miles
Location: Hlenkweni training center, Zimbabwe (Khami) to Figtree, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. John, Karen and I went to the Sunday mass.
2. We were given a tour of the Hlenkweni training center's grounds.
3. Went to a butcher for lunch, they had big slabs of meat that they cut off and cooked over a fire.
4. Biked to Cyrene school and checked out the chapel.
5. Watched a group of kids play their xylophone
Expenses: 45 ZWD, lunch and mostly not known
Accommodations: Hotel at Figtree, Zimbabwe
Day 6, Thursday, July 29, 1999
Daily Miles: 35.63 miles
Location: Figtree, Zimbabwe to Kumalo communal Land, Zimbabwe.
Points of interest:
1. Bambata cave with pained walls
2. We saw baboons, an Ostrich and a giraffe.
3. Arrived at our end spot in the dark.
4. I drank beer at the school with the teachers until about 1:00 AM.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: We stayed in buildings at Silozwe secondary school
Day 7, Friday, July 30, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Kumalo communal Land, Zimbabwe - Silozwe secondary school, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. The school honored us and put on a play for us.
2. We got photos with children at a primary school
3. Mashavuka caves and bought souvenirs.
Expenses: 190 ZWD, Souvenir, drinks and some unknown
Accommodations: We stayed in buildings at Silozwe secondary school
Day 8, Saturday, July 31, 1999
Daily Miles: 36.08 miles
Location: Silozwe secondary school, Zimbabwe to Train from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls
Points of interest:
1. Rhodes grave
2. Checked out petroglyphs at White Rhino cave
3. Bike Africa tour guide, Elizabeth, joins us – I liked her
4. Had trouble finding our rooms on the train.
5. Light beer night, I only had 2 castle beers
Expenses: Unknown – Drum, Food and beer
Accommodations: Train from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls
Day 9, Sunday, August 1, 1999
Daily Miles: 2.21 miles
Location: Train from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. Victoria Falls
2. Boat cruise where we saw giraffes and a large herd of elephants crossing the Zambezi River
3. I male bonded with Shingi our bike guide and flirted with our female guide Elizabeth
Expenses: 100 ZWD and Unknown expenses for clothes and postcards
Accommodations: Cabins at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Day 10, Monday, August 2, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. We rafted down stream of Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River.
2. There were crocodiles at the bases of the rapids.
3. Gary was thrown out of the raft into the river. He was quickly pulled out by the natives that lead the raft tour.
4. Ezra, Gary and I went Bungi jumping on the bridge between Zimbabwe and Zambia over the Zambezi river.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Cabins at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Day 11, Tuesday, August 3, 1999
Daily Miles: 65.75miles
Location: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe to Baobab hotel (Hwange)
Points of interest:
1. At our breakfast restaurant a monkey took Ezra’s banana.
2. Had a sore throat and took a lot of vitamin C.
3. At Hwange we saw Baboons.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Baobab hotel
Day 12, Wednesday, August 4, 1999
Daily Miles: 47.48 miles
Location: Baobab hotel (Hwange) to Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe (Dete)
Points of interest:
1. We left the hotel at 6:35 AM.
2. Gary and I went to the waterhole near the house were we saw wild Elephants, zebras, wart hogs and antelope type animals.
3. Hwange National Park game ride were we saw elephants, giraffes, buffalo, crocodiles, rhinos, kudu, wart hogs and more.
Expenses: 400 ZWD, walking stick, basket, drum and not known
Accommodations: Hwange National Park - Wildside house, a Pink house with 3 bedrooms and a single bathroom
Day 13, Thursday, August 5, 1999
Daily Miles: 66.45 miles
Location: Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe (Dete) to Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. At about 6 AM, I went to the forbidden pond.
2. I played foosball with a native boy.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Guest house at Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe
Day 14, Friday, August 6, 1999
Daily Miles: 48.11 miles
Location: Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe to Binga, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. I gave a lady my red sweat pants, undershirt and 2 pairs of underwear. She danced for joy.
2. In Binga I gave a shoe repairman my neoprene booties.
3. Stayed at a Hotel with hot springs.
4. I biked from the hotel to Lake Kariba.
5. Saw a crocodile farm.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: A Hot springs Hotel in Binga, Zimbabwe
Day 15, Saturday, August 7, 1999
Daily Miles: 5 miles
Location: Binga, Zimbabwe to Harare, Zimbabwe
Points of interest:
1. Started biking at about 2:00 AM
2. I saw a scorpion with my flashlight.
3. We took a crowded bus and we were the only white people on the bus.
4. The bus had a flat tire and there was no spare tire on the bus.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe
Day 16, Sunday, August 8, 1999
Daily Miles: 5 miles
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe to flight header for Miami, Florida
Points of interest:
1. Cycled into town on Ezra’s bike
2. Shingi gave me a rock sculpture as a gift
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: On plane from Johannesburg, South Africa to Miami, Florida, USA
Day 17, Monday, August 9, 1999
Daily Miles: 0 miles
Location: Fright from Johannesburg, South Africa to Vancouver, Washington, USA
Points of interest:
1. Got earlier flight from Miami, Florida to Portland, Oregon
2. At Denver airport and Portland airport, people commented on how nice the walking stick was that I was bringing back from Africa.
3. I assembled my bike at PDX and cycled back to my apartment in Vancouver, Washington.
Expenses: Unknown
Accommodations: Apartment in Vancouver, Washington