Photos from Ted's Paruguay, Argentina, Uruguay bike ride.

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Ted in New York City

Ted in New York City.

Ted’s bike on the ferry headed to Puerto Iguazu, Argentina.

Ted’s bike on the ferry headed to Puerto Iguazu, Argentina.

Ted at Iguazu falls in Argentina

Ted at Iguazu Falls in Argentina.

Two Coatis on trail rails at Iguazu falls in Argentina.

Two Coatis on trail rails at Iguazu Falls in Argentina.

Tegu lizard at Iguazu falls in Argentina.

Tegu lizard at Iguazu Falls in Argentina.

Ted at ruins of Jesuitical Ruins Park in San Ignacio, Argentina.

Ted at ruins of Jesuitical Ruins Park in San Ignacio, Argentina.

Hotel where Ted stayed at in Concordia, Argentina.

Hotel where Ted stayed at in Concordia, Argentina.

Monk parrots in the tree at Dayman, Uruguay.

Monk Parrots in a tree at Dayman, Uruguay.

People waiting out the rain shower with Ted at a bus stop in Uruguay.

People waiting out the rain shower with Ted at a bus stop in Uruguay.

Russian dolls at park in San Javier, Uruguay.

Russian dolls at park in San Javier, Uruguay.

Burrowing owl near Puerto Viejo, Uruguay.

Burrowing owl near Puerto Viejo, Uruguay.

Ted entering Mercedes, Uruguay.

Ted entering Mercedes, Uruguay.

Ted in front of church on main square of Mercedes, Uruguay.

Ted in front of church on main square of Mercedes, Uruguay.

A Red Crested Cardinal in Uruguay.

A Red Crested Cardinal in Uruguay.

Ted and his bike at the “Hand in the Sand” in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Ted and his bike at the “Hand in the Sand” in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Ted and his bike in front of a building in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Ted and his bike in front of a building in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Ted at the statue of liberty near New York City.

Ted at the statue of liberty near New York City.