Create a Google My Maps and add it to web site.

  • Sign into your google account and open Google maps
  • Goto Maps tab
  • Select “Open My Maps”
  • Select “Create a New Map”, this adds an import layer.
  • Create or import map
    • Create the map from known points
      • Select “Add Directions” Icon
      • Select “Transportation mode” for map – drive, cycle or walking
      • Add start destination and each step destination
      • Delete the initial import layer
    • Import layers from File
      • Select “import” from current layer
      • File types you can import
        • .xlxs, .csv (comma separated variable) or .tsv (Tab separated variables) (Adds Wave Points)
        • .kml or .kmz (data files used by Google Earth) (Wave points, Tracks and routes)
        • gpx (Geographic maps, can be extracted from Garmin GPS using basecamp) (Wave points, Tracks and routes)
        • Google sheet (like excel spread sheets)
      • Name your map, Wave points, Layers and Tracks
  • Ted’s maps have a layer for each of the following Transportation Modes (These are broken up using the Garmin Basecamp) 
      • Red – A Track with just your bike (and/ or Walking/ local commuters) route parts
        (and the wave points you want custom icons with)
      • Blue – A track with your ground transportation (and the wave points you want to stay
        with the red standard wave point icon)
      • Yellow – A track with route connecting flights
      • Yellow
        – A track with route connecting boat trips