T10 ALL PHOTOS – Zimbabwe 99

The plane Ted flew in from Johannesburg, South Africa to Harare, Zimbabwe. Biking to Khami Ruins near Bulawayo. Cactus near Khami Ruins. Welcome to Hlekweni training center sign.
Harare, Zimbabwe Khami Ruins, Zimbabwe Khami Ruins, Zimbabwe Hlekweni, Zimbabwe
Hlekweni training center school on Kumalo land, near Matopos National Park. Left to Right - Heather, Ezra, Karen, The school principal, Ted and John. Start of Hlekweni training center tour. Left to Right - Ezra, Becky, Ted, Karen and John. At the water pump on the Hlekweni training center. Left to right - Becky, men we picked up, Ezra, truck guide, John and Karen. Our truck guide at the Hlekweni training center holding some kudu horns.
Hlekweni, Zimbabwe Hlekweni, Zimbabwe Hlekweni, Zimbabwe Hlekweni, Zimbabwe
A couple of men winding a coil in order to build a welder at the Hlekweni training center. Ted standing in a room at Cyrene school with African boys playing xylophones. Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe. Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe. Ted's bike loaded with stuff on the side of the road.
Hlekweni, Zimbabwe Cyrene, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe. Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe. Looking at Petroglyphs in Bambata Cave. - Left to right - Karen, Heather, John, Gary and Ezra Commencement ceremonies (the raising of the flag) at the secondary school on Kumalo land, near Matopos National Park.
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Bambata Cave, Zimbabwe Kumalo land, Zimbabwe
Ted at the playground of the primary school on Kumalo community land. Gary standing pointed towards the playground. Ted with students at the primary school on Kumalo land. Our bike group watching the children's skits at the secondary school on Kumalo land. Left to right - Gary, Ezra, John, Karen, Heather and Becky. Children performing skits for us at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.
Kumalo land, Zimbabwe Kumalo land, Zimbabwe Kumalo land, Zimbabwe Kumalo land, Zimbabwe
Ted dancing at the secondary school on Kumalo community land. Children performing skits for us at the secondary school on Kumalo community land. Fancy painted grass huts near Mashavuka caves, across the canyon from the secondary school on Kumalo community land. The children that followed us to Mashavuka caves.
Kumalo land, Zimbabwe Kumalo land, Zimbabwe Kumalo land, Zimbabwe Mashavuka caves, Zimbabwe
4 to 6 thousand year old petroglyphs on Mashavuka caves. A horse drawn carriage nears Mashavuka caves. A woman balancing a bucket full of water on her head. Getting ready to leave the secondary school on Kumalo community land. We are in front of the building where we slept.
Mashavuka caves, Zimbabwe Mashavuka caves, Zimbabwe Mashavuka caves, Zimbabwe Mashavuka caves, Zimbabwe
Next to the visitor center at Rhodes grave. Left to right - Heather, Gary, John, Karen and Becky. Our cycling group hiking to Rhodes grave. Left to right - Ezra, Shingi, Gary, Karen, Becky, Heather and John. Our bikes loaded with camping gear and African souvenirs in front of the craft center near the turn off to Rhodes grave. Bikes left to right John’s, Ted, Becky’s and Shingi’s. People left to right - Ted, Ezra, person looking at Ezra’s GPS unit and Shingi. Gary giving a speech (pretend) at the monument of tin hats (MOTH) shrine. The monument is for men that served in a war. There is a pit with the ashes of the men that went to war at this site.
Rhodes grave, Zimbabwe Rhodes grave, Zimbabwe Rhodes grave, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Our bike group waiting for pizza in front of the Pizza Inn in Bulawayo. Ted’s camping gear packed for train to Victoria Falls Ted's bike next to Becky in the parking lot to Victoria Falls. Becky is wearing her bright yellow rain suit for the mist coming off the falls. It was not very wet. Victoria Falls seem from Zimbabwe side of falls.
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Our group getting ready to raft the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls. Rafting the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls Rafting the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls Ted preparing to bungee jump off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Ted getting bungee jumping instructions on the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls) Ted getting ready to Bungee Jump. Ted bungee jumping off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls) Ted near the bottom of his bungee jump off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Ted going back to the top of the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls) Ted in front of the Welcome to Zimbabwe sign near the Bungee Jumping Bridge between Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls) Zambezi riverboat ride up stream of Victoria Falls. – Left to right – Heather, Karen, John, Ezra, Gary, Becky, Ted, Shingi and a boat guide. Elephant seen from Zambezi riverboat ride up stream of Victoria Falls.
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Zambia/ Zimbabwe Border Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Heather at the border to Zambia on the middle of the bungee jumping bridge at Victoria Falls. John, Karen, Heather and Ted at the Pink Baobab restaurant in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Our group biking from Victoria Falls to Hwange. Rear to front - Gary, Becky, Ezra and Shingi. A baboon crossing through the park in Hwange.
Zambia/ Zimbabwe Border Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Hwange, Zimbabwe
Ted with elephants near a pond close to Hwange National Park. Elephants crossing the road close to Hwange National Park. Our group in a game viewing truck as we are about to enter Hwange National Park. Front row - John and Karen. Middle row - Shingi and Becky. Back seats - Gary and Ezra. Zebra see from game truck at Hwange National Park.
Hwange NP, Zimbabwe Hwange NP, Zimbabwe Hwange NP, Zimbabwe Hwange NP, Zimbabwe
Elephants and a giraffe at a waterhole in Hwange National Park. The sun setting at Hwange National park near Dete. Becky's photo. The sun setting at Hwange National park near Dete. Ted's photo. A couple of huts between Dete and Sianzyundu.
Hwange NP, Zimbabwe Hwange NP, Zimbabwe Hwange NP, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Karen looking at her bike by the turn off to Dete. Ted’s bike is the one that is farthest back. Ted’s bike with a pond and tin mine in the background between Dete and Sianzyundu. A bike shop next to a quiet highway between Dete and Sianzyundu. A typical small store between Dete and Sianzyundu, this one is called 'Tiyese tuck stop'. Note it is a tuck stop, not a truck stop.
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
A store that sells warm cokes (no electricity for refrigeration) between Dete and Sianzyundu. Karen, John and Ted’s bikes are in front of the store. Ted playing foosball (Ted lost 5 to 3) with a native between Dete and Sianzyundu. Ezra in watching in his MIT bike shirt. Ted’s bike loaded with gear between Dete and Sianzyundu. Ted gave this boy a postcard and US quarter. Getting water by the school at Sianzyundu. They often had to stop pumping and wait for the water level to rise. John at right and Heather is to the left.
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe
Shingi pumping water by the school at Sianzyundu. The classrooms at the school in Sianzyundu. The building we stayed in next to the school in Sianzyundu. Shingi and Ezra are next to their bikes. A Baobab tree between Sianzyundu and Binga.
Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe Sianzyundu, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Our group cycling down the road between Sianzyundu and Binga. -. Front to back - Shingi, Heather, Karen and Becky. Shingi cycling to a strip mall store between Sianzyundu and Binga. Manjolo Business center next to the highway between Sianzyundu and Binga. You can see Ezra across the road. John and Karen getting a dance lesson from some natives between Sianzyundu and Binga.
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Bottle shop in Zimbabwe. Family Ted gave cloths to between Sianzyundu and Binga. When Ted gave the woman some sweat pants she was so happy that she danced around in circles while holding up the sweat pants. Ezra on his bike in front of the hut of the woman that Ted gave his sweat pants to. Ted's bike in front of the motel he stayed in until 2:00 AM by Lake Kariba.  We had a very early departure on a bus.
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
The hot springs at the above motel, The bus Ted and his group took. The bus had just had a blow out and we needed to find another ride. Shingi is loading one of our bikes on the small bus. Our group went from the bus (front bus) with the blow out to the smaller bus (back bus). Our group biking into downtown Harare.
Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Harare, Zimbabwe

The plane Ted flew in from Johannesburg, South Africa to Harare, Zimbabwe.

The plane Ted flew in from Johannesburg, South Africa to Harare, Zimbabwe.

Biking to Khami Ruins near Bulawayo.

Biking to Khami Ruins near Bulawayo.

Cactus near Khami Ruins.

Cactus near Khami Ruins.

Welcome to Hlekweni training center sign.

Welcome to Hlekweni training center sign.

Hlekweni training center school on Kumalo land, near Matopos National Park. Left to Right - Heather, Ezra, Karen, The school principal, Ted and John.

Hlekweni training center school on Kumalo land, near Matopos National Park. Left to Right – Heather, Ezra, Karen, The school principal, Ted and John.

Start of Hlekweni training center tour. Left to Right - Ezra, Becky, Ted, Karen and John.

Start of Hlekweni training center tour. Left to Right – Ezra, Becky, Ted, Karen and John.

At the water pump on the Hlekweni training center. Left to right - Becky, men we picked up, Ezra, truck guide, John and Karen.

At the water pump on the Hlekweni training center. Left to right – Becky, men we picked up, Ezra, truck guide, John and Karen.

Our truck guide at the Hlekweni training center holding some kudu horns.

Our truck guide at the Hlekweni training center holding some kudu horns.

A couple of men winding a coil in order to build a welder at the Hlekweni training center.

A couple of men winding a coil in order to build a welder at the Hlekweni training center.

Ted standing in a room at Cyrene school with African boys playing xylophones.

Ted standing in a room at Cyrene school with African boys playing xylophones.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe. Ted's bike loaded with stuff on the side of the road.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe. Ted’s bike loaded with stuff on the side of the road.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe.

Our cycle Africa group riding in Zimbabwe.

Looking at Petroglyphs in Bambata Cave. - Left to right - Karen, Heather, John, Gary and Ezra

Looking at Petroglyphs in Bambata Cave. – Left to right – Karen, Heather, John, Gary and Ezra

Commencement ceremonies (the raising of the flag) at the secondary school on Kumalo land, near Matopos National Park.

Commencement ceremonies (the raising of the flag) at the secondary school on Kumalo land, near Matopos National Park.

Ted at the playground of the primary school on Kumalo community land. Gary standing pointed towards the playground.

Ted at the playground of the primary school on Kumalo community land. Gary standing pointed towards the playground.

Ted with students at the primary school on Kumalo land.

Ted with students at the primary school on Kumalo land.

Our bike group watching the children's skits at the secondary school on Kumalo land. Left to right - Gary, Ezra, John, Karen, Heather and Becky.

Our bike group watching the children’s skits at the secondary school on Kumalo land. Left to right – Gary, Ezra, John, Karen, Heather and Becky.

Children performing skits for us at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Children performing skits for us at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Ted dancing at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Ted dancing at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Children performing skits for us at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Children performing skits for us at the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Fancy painted grass huts near Mashavuka caves, across the canyon from the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

Fancy painted grass huts near Mashavuka caves, across the canyon from the secondary school on Kumalo community land.

The children that followed us to Mashavuka caves.

The children that followed us to Mashavuka caves.

4 to 6 thousand year old petroglyphs on Mashavuka caves.

4 to 6 thousand year old petroglyphs on Mashavuka caves.

A horse drawn carriage nears Mashavuka caves.

A horse drawn carriage nears Mashavuka caves.

A woman balancing a bucket full of water on her head.

A woman balancing a bucket full of water on her head.

Getting ready to leave the secondary school on Kumalo community land. We are in front of the building where we slept.

Getting ready to leave the secondary school on Kumalo community land. We are in front of the building where we slept.

Next to the visitor center at Rhodes grave. Left to right - Heather, Gary, John, Karen and Becky.

Next to the visitor center at Rhodes grave. Left to right – Heather, Gary, John, Karen and Becky.

Our cycling group hiking to Rhodes grave. Left to right - Ezra, Shingi, Gary, Karen, Becky, Heather and John.

Our cycling group hiking to Rhodes grave. Left to right – Ezra, Shingi, Gary, Karen, Becky, Heather and John.

Our bikes loaded with camping gear and African souvenirs in front of the craft center near the turn off to Rhodes grave. Bikes left to right John’s, Ted, Becky’s and Shingi’s. People left to right - Ted, Ezra, person looking at Ezra’s GPS unit and Shingi.

Our bikes loaded with camping gear and African souvenirs in front of the craft center near the turn off to Rhodes grave. Bikes left to right John’s, Ted, Becky’s and Shingi’s. People left to right – Ted, Ezra, person looking at Ezra’s GPS unit and Shingi.

Gary giving a speech (pretend) at the monument of tin hats (MOTH) shrine. The monument is for men that served in a war. There is a pit with the ashes of the men that went to war at this site.

Gary giving a speech (pretend) at the monument of tin hats (MOTH) shrine. The monument is for men that served in a war. There is a pit with the ashes of the men that went to war at this site.

Our bike group waiting for pizza in front of the Pizza Inn in Bulawayo.

Our bike group waiting for pizza in front of the Pizza Inn in Bulawayo.

Ted’s camping gear packed for train to Victoria Falls

Ted’s camping gear packed for train to Victoria Falls

Ted's bike next to Becky in the parking lot to Victoria Falls. Becky is wearing her bright yellow rain suit for the mist coming off the falls. It was not very wet.

Ted’s bike next to Becky in the parking lot to Victoria Falls. Becky is wearing her bright yellow rain suit for the mist coming off the falls. It was not very wet.

Victoria Falls seem from Zimbabwe side of falls.

Victoria Falls seem from Zimbabwe side of falls.

Our group getting ready to raft the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls.

Our group getting ready to raft the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls.

Rafting the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls

Rafting the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls

Rafting the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls

Rafting the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls

Ted preparing to bungee jump off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted preparing to bungee jump off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted getting bungee jumping instructions on the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted getting bungee jumping instructions on the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted getting ready to Bungee Jump.

Ted getting ready to Bungee Jump.

Ted bungee jumping off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted bungee jumping off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted near the bottom of his bungee jump off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted near the bottom of his bungee jump off the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted going back to the top of the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted going back to the top of the bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted in front of the Welcome to Zimbabwe sign near the Bungee Jumping Bridge between Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Ted in front of the Welcome to Zimbabwe sign near the Bungee Jumping Bridge between Zimbabwe and Zambia. (Near Victoria Falls)

Zambezi riverboat ride up stream of Victoria Falls. – Left to right – Heather, Karen, John, Ezra, Gary, Becky, Ted, Shingi and a boat guide.

Zambezi riverboat ride up stream of Victoria Falls. – Left to right – Heather, Karen, John, Ezra, Gary, Becky, Ted, Shingi and a boat guide.

Elephant seen from Zambezi riverboat ride up stream of Victoria Falls.

Elephant seen from Zambezi riverboat ride up stream of Victoria Falls.

Heather at the border to Zambia on the middle of the bungee jumping bridge at Victoria Falls.

Heather at the border to Zambia on the middle of the bungee jumping bridge at Victoria Falls.

John, Karen, Heather and Ted at the Pink Baobab restaurant in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

John, Karen, Heather and Ted at the Pink Baobab restaurant in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Our group biking from Victoria Falls to Hwange. Rear to front - Gary, Becky, Ezra and Shingi.

Our group biking from Victoria Falls to Hwange. Rear to front – Gary, Becky, Ezra and Shingi.

A baboon crossing through the park in Hwange.

A baboon crossing through the park in Hwange.

Ted with elephants near a pond close to Hwange National Park.

Ted with elephants near a pond close to Hwange National Park.

Elephants crossing the road close to Hwange National Park.

Elephants crossing the road close to Hwange National Park.

Our group in a game viewing truck as we are about to enter Hwange National Park. Front row - John and Karen. Middle row - Shingi and Becky. Back seats - Gary and Ezra.

Our group in a game viewing truck as we are about to enter Hwange National Park. Front row – John and Karen. Middle row – Shingi and Becky. Back seats – Gary and Ezra.

Zebra see from game truck at Hwange National Park.

Zebra see from game truck at Hwange National Park.

Elephants and a giraffe at a waterhole in Hwange National Park.

Elephants and a giraffe at a waterhole in Hwange National Park.

The sun setting at Hwange National park near Dete. Becky's photo.

The sun setting at Hwange National park near Dete. Becky’s photo.

The sun setting at Hwange National park near Dete. Ted's photo.

The sun setting at Hwange National park near Dete. Ted’s photo.

A couple of huts between Dete and Sianzyundu.

A couple of huts between Dete and Sianzyundu.

Karen looking at her bike by the turn off to Dete. Ted’s bike is the one that is farthest back.

Karen looking at her bike by the turn off to Dete. Ted’s bike is the one that is farthest back.

Ted’s bike with a pond and tin mine in the background between Dete and Sianzyundu.

Ted’s bike with a pond and tin mine in the background between Dete and Sianzyundu.

A bike shop next to a quiet highway between Dete and Sianzyundu.

A bike shop next to a quiet highway between Dete and Sianzyundu.

A typical small store between Dete and Sianzyundu, this one is called 'Tiyese tuck stop'. Note it is a tuck stop, not a truck stop.

A typical small store between Dete and Sianzyundu, this one is called ‘Tiyese tuck stop’. Note it is a tuck stop, not a truck stop.

A store that sells warm cokes (no electricity for refrigeration) between Dete and Sianzyundu. Karen, John and Ted’s bikes are in front of the store.

A store that sells warm cokes (no electricity for refrigeration) between Dete and Sianzyundu. Karen, John and Ted’s bikes are in front of the store.

Ted playing foosball (Ted lost 5 to 3) with a native between Dete and Sianzyundu. Ezra in watching in his MIT bike shirt.

Ted playing foosball (Ted lost 5 to 3) with a native between Dete and Sianzyundu. Ezra in watching in his MIT bike shirt.

Ted’s bike loaded with gear between Dete and Sianzyundu. Ted gave this boy a postcard and US quarter.

Ted’s bike loaded with gear between Dete and Sianzyundu. Ted gave this boy a postcard and US quarter.

Getting water by the school at Sianzyundu. They often had to stop pumping and wait for the water level to rise. John at right and Heather is to the left.

Getting water by the school at Sianzyundu. They often had to stop pumping and wait for the water level to rise. John at right and Heather is to the left.

Shingi pumping water by the school at Sianzyundu.

Shingi pumping water by the school at Sianzyundu.

The classrooms at the school in Sianzyundu.

The classrooms at the school in Sianzyundu.

The building we stayed in next to the school in Sianzyundu. Shingi and Ezra are next to their bikes.

The building we stayed in next to the school in Sianzyundu. Shingi and Ezra are next to their bikes.

A Baobab tree between Sianzyundu and Binga.

A Baobab tree between Sianzyundu and Binga.

Our group cycling down the road between Sianzyundu and Binga. -. Front to back - Shingi, Heather, Karen and Becky.

Our group cycling down the road between Sianzyundu and Binga. -. Front to back – Shingi, Heather, Karen and Becky.

Shingi cycling to a strip mall store between Sianzyundu and Binga.

Shingi cycling to a strip mall store between Sianzyundu and Binga.

Manjolo Business center next to the highway between Sianzyundu and Binga. You can see Ezra across the road.

Manjolo Business center next to the highway between Sianzyundu and Binga. You can see Ezra across the road.

John and Karen getting a dance lesson from some natives between Sianzyundu and Binga.

John and Karen getting a dance lesson from some natives between Sianzyundu and Binga.

Bottle shop in Zimbabwe.

Bottle shop in Zimbabwe.

Family Ted gave cloths to between Sianzyundu and Binga. When Ted gave the woman some sweat pants she was so happy that she danced around in circles while holding up the sweat pants.

Family Ted gave cloths to between Sianzyundu and Binga. When Ted gave the woman some sweat pants she was so happy that she danced around in circles while holding up the sweat pants.

Ezra on his bike in front of the hut of the woman that Ted gave his sweat pants to.

Ezra on his bike in front of the hut of the woman that Ted gave his sweat pants to.

Ted's bike in front of the motel he stayed in until 2:00 AM by Lake Kariba.  We had a very early departure on a bus.

Ted’s bike in front of the motel he stayed in until 2:00 AM by Lake Kariba. We had a very early departure on a bus.

The hot springs at the above motel,

The hot springs at the above motel,

The bus Ted and his group took. The bus had just had a blow out and we needed to find another ride.

The bus Ted and his group took. The bus had just had a blow out and we needed to find another ride.

Shingi is loading one of our bikes on the small bus. Our group went from the bus (front bus) with the blow out to the smaller bus (back bus).

Shingi is loading one of our bikes on the small bus. Our group went from the bus (front bus) with the blow out to the smaller bus (back bus).

Our group biking into downtown Harare.

Our group biking into downtown Harare.