T17 ALL PHOTOS – Baja, Mexico 05

Ted with his bike in San Diego harbor. Ted's bike at the Tijuana, Mexican border Wrecked cars at the bottom of a dangerous corner near Ensenada. A lot of the bad corners had wrecked cars and diesel trucks in the ditches. Ted's bike in front of an unofficial trash dump near the road south of Ensenada. There was a lot of trash near the roads of Baja California, Mexico.
San Diego, CA Mexico/ USA Border Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico
The road down Baja California is very dangerous. Cars and trucks move very fast and there are several monuments erected where people died in accidents. This monument is in memory of person, Hector, that died in a Kenworth Diesel truck. Interesting plant in San Agustin Ted's bike on dirt road near interesting plant south of San Agustin Typical house with wrecked vehicles in front.
Baja California North (BN), Mexico San Agustin, BN, Mexico San Agustin, BN, Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico
One of the only streams I saw near Mex-1. Near Catavina. Ted with his bike in Baja California North (BN), Mexico desert. Ted's campsite in the desert between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro. The middle of no-where! Ted on his bike near cactus between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro.
Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico
Vulture in cactus between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro. Vacant gas station at L.A. Bay junction. Fuel for sale at L.A. Bay junction near vacant gas station. About 100 miles from nearest gas station, probably very expensive gas. Ted's bike at L.A. Bay junction.
Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico Baja California North (BN), Mexico
Ted's bike in desert. Ted had a flat tire about a mile before entering Guerrero Negro and a very nice man (Victor) stopped to help Ted. Victor is the man in the photo holding up Ted's bike. We had a couple of beers together and he let me stay at his home. He was a Doctor and his wife a nurse. The whale watch boat Ted took near Guerrero Negro. Sea lions we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.
Baja California North (BN), Mexico Guerrero Negro, BN, Mexico Guerrero Negro, BN, Mexico Guerrero Negro, BN, Mexico
A dolphin we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro. A whale we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro. Guerrero Negro is the world’s leading supplier of salt. This is a barge loaded with salt in the harbor near Guerrero Negro. Ted's camp site about 35 miles south of Guerrero Negro.
Guerrero Negro, BN, Mexico Guerrero Negro, BN, Mexico Guerrero Negro, BN, Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico
Baja California is full of cars that have been stripped and left in front of homes and fields. This abandoned vehicle is 60’s model Chevy van. Military Hummer and police car at gas station. Ted went through several military stops along the way, where men with automatic rifles stopped and searched vehicles. Ted was not searched on this trip through Mexico . Ted felt it was a better idea not to take photos at the military stops. A burnt up, abandoned van near the highway with Ted's bike leaning against it. Ted's bike at his campsite about ½ mile from the bunt out van.
Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico
Ocean front home north of Mulege. Ted's campsite at the first beach in Bahia Concepcion, Playa Santispac. Bahia Concepcion is one of the nicest areas along the route to La Paz. Next campground in Bahia Concepcion. A Freightliner Argosy truck in front of restaurant. Throughout Baja California there are isolated homes that have restaurants. They need to make money somehow, the funny thing for every 10 restaurants Ted would only see about one person that may have been a customer.
Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Bahia Concepcion, BCS, Mexico Bahia Concepcion, BCS, Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico
There were long stretches in the desert without places to get supple. Ted normally left these stops with over one gallon of water. At one point, Ted was close to running out of water and was going to ask the people in the above photo for water. The funny thing is the man driving the vehicle was a biker and asked Ted if he needed water. He ended up giving Ted a sealed 1.5 liter container of water. A waterfront restaurant on the Sea of Cortez . Nice spot, Ted felt they probably often got a customer. Ted ended up getting a lot of water at Ligui market. It was the last stop before the big hill. This photo was taken near the top of the biggest hill climb in Baja California.
Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico
As Ted was biking the above man stopped so his daughter could get a photo of him.  Ted stopped to talk with this man and the man gave Ted water. Flower on thorn bush in desert. It seemed like most of the plant in the desert had some sort of thorns. This is a typical small town Mexican store. These stores usually did not have things that were easy for me to eat. Most of them had flower but not bread. A Mexican home across from the above Mexican store. Most of the homes were old, run down and made of cinder block (not much wood construction)
Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico
The campsite Ted had on December 28th between Ciudad Constitucion and La Paz . Sunset near the above campsite. Abandoned car about 3 miles north of El Triunfo. This was near the turn off to Ted's last night’s campsite. Ted's bike in front of the church in El Triunfo.
Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico El Triunfo, BCS, Mexico
Ruins in the town of El Triunfo. This town is a former mining town and has several interesting ruins and a piano museum. Andrea’s cousin, Jeff, owns a condo in Buena Vista and runs a real estate company. His condo is on the top floor and he arranged for us to stay in a lower condo. This photo is a view from his condo. Ted on Jeff's Quad. Jeff's has a Quad and we used it to travel around on the Buena Vista beaches. Jeff has several friends in Buena Vista and invited us to one of his friend’s house for a New Year’s party. This photo has the roast pig that they served at the party on the kitchen counter.
El Triunfo, BCS, Mexico Buena Vista, BCS, Mexico Buena Vista, BCS, Mexico Buena Vista, BCS, Mexico
Andrea’s cousin, Jeff, took us deep sea fishing we didn’t catch anything, but did see the above dolphin from his boat. It was a nice boat trip! Andrea in front of the hot springs near Santiago, Mexico. Jeff and Kimberly took Andrea and Ted to La Paz. While they went shopping Ted took photos, like the above church. Ted saw several large cacti; the above cactus was photographed on his short (70 mile) ride from Buena Vista to Cabo San Lucas.
Buena Vista, BCS, Mexico Santiago, BCS, Mexico La Paz, BCS, Mexico Baja California South (BCS), Mexico
A photo of Ted's bike as Ted entering Cabo San Lucas. Ted forgot to bring his biking gloves and put socks on his handlebars to replace the missing gloves. Pelicans seen from the boat Andrea and Ted took to Cabo Arch and Lover’s beach. A photo of the Arch (Los Arcos) in Cabo San Lucas. You can view this arch from either across the harbor or by boat. This photo was taken from a boat. Sea lions seen from the boat Andrea and Ted took to the arch near Cabo San Lucas.
Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico
Andrea getting ready to get off the boat we took to Lover’s beach. Ted at Lover’s beach near the Cabo San Lucas arch. Ted next to pelicans on the peer at Cabo San Lucas. Iguanas with Ted and Andrea. Ted paid $2.00 to the owner of the iguanas for him to take our photos with his iguanas in Cabo San Lucas.
Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico
A bike at the end of the peer in Cabo San Lucas. A building a little north of Todos Santos. Andrea standing near ruins of old mines at El Triunfo. One of the old buildings in El Triunfo, the town was a very old mining town.
Cabo San Lucas, BSC, Mexico Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico El Triunfo, BCS, Mexico El Triunfo, BCS, Mexico

Ted with his bike in San Diego harbor.

Ted with his bike in San Diego harbor.

Ted's bike at the Tijuana, Mexican border

Ted’s bike at the Tijuana, Mexican border

Wrecked cars at the bottom of a dangerous corner near Ensenada. A lot of the bad corners had wrecked cars and diesel trucks in the ditches.

Wrecked cars at the bottom of a dangerous corner near Ensenada. A lot of the bad corners had wrecked cars and diesel trucks in the ditches.

Ted's bike in front of an unofficial trash dump near the road south of Ensenada. There was a lot of trash near the roads of Baja California, Mexico.

Ted’s bike in front of an unofficial trash dump near the road south of Ensenada. There was a lot of trash near the roads of Baja California, Mexico.

The road down Baja California is very dangerous. Cars and trucks move very fast and there are several monuments erected where people died in accidents. This monument is in memory of person, Hector, that died in a Kenworth Diesel truck.

The road down Baja California is very dangerous. Cars and trucks move very fast and there are several monuments erected where people died in accidents. This monument is in memory of person, Hector, that died in a Kenworth Diesel truck.

Interesting plant in San Agustin

Interesting plant in San Agustin

Ted's bike on dirt road near interesting plant south of San Agustin

Ted’s bike on dirt road near interesting plant south of San Agustin

Typical house with wrecked vehicles in front.

Typical house with wrecked vehicles in front.

One of the only streams I saw near Mex-1. Near Catavina.

One of the only streams I saw near Mex-1. Near Catavina.

Ted with his bike in Baja California North (BN), Mexico desert.

Ted with his bike in Baja California North (BN), Mexico desert.

Ted's campsite in the desert between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro. The middle of no-where!

Ted’s campsite in the desert between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro. The middle of no-where!

Ted on his bike near cactus between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro.

Ted on his bike near cactus between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro.

Vulture in cactus between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro.

Vulture in cactus between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro.

Vacant gas station at L.A. Bay junction.

Vacant gas station at L.A. Bay junction.

Fuel for sale at L.A. Bay junction near vacant gas station. About 100 miles from nearest gas station, probably very expensive gas.

Fuel for sale at L.A. Bay junction near vacant gas station. About 100 miles from nearest gas station, probably very expensive gas.

Ted's bike at L.A. Bay junction.

Ted’s bike at L.A. Bay junction.

Ted's bike in desert.

Ted’s bike in desert.

Ted had a flat tire about a mile before entering Guerrero Negro and a very nice man (Victor) stopped to help Ted. Victor is the man in the photo holding up Ted's bike. We had a couple of beers together and he let me stay at his home. He was a Doctor and his wife a nurse.

Ted had a flat tire about a mile before entering Guerrero Negro and a very nice man (Victor) stopped to help Ted. Victor is the man in the photo holding up Ted’s bike. We had a couple of beers together and he let me stay at his home. He was a Doctor and his wife a nurse.

The whale watch boat Ted took near Guerrero Negro.

The whale watch boat Ted took near Guerrero Negro.

Sea lions we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.

Sea lions we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.

A dolphin we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.

A dolphin we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.

A whale we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.

A whale we saw from the whale boat near Guerrero Negro.

Guerrero Negro is the world’s leading supplier of salt. This is a barge loaded with salt in the harbor near Guerrero Negro.

Guerrero Negro is the world’s leading supplier of salt. This is a barge loaded with salt in the harbor near Guerrero Negro.

Ted's camp site about 35 miles south of Guerrero Negro.

Ted’s camp site about 35 miles south of Guerrero Negro.

Baja California is full of cars that have been stripped and left in front of homes and fields. This abandoned vehicle is 60’s model Chevy van.

Baja California is full of cars that have been stripped and left in front of homes and fields. This abandoned vehicle is 60’s model Chevy van.

Military Hummer and police car at gas station. Ted went through several military stops along the way, where men with automatic rifles stopped and searched vehicles. Ted was not searched on this trip through Mexico . Ted felt it was a better idea not to take photos at the military stops.

Military Hummer and police car at gas station. Ted went through several military stops along the way, where men with automatic rifles stopped and searched vehicles. Ted was not searched on this trip through Mexico . Ted felt it was a better idea not to take photos at the military stops.

A burnt up, abandoned van near the highway with Ted's bike leaning against it.

A burnt up, abandoned van near the highway with Ted’s bike leaning against it.

Ted's bike at his campsite about ½ mile from the bunt out van.

Ted’s bike at his campsite about ½ mile from the bunt out van.

Ocean front home north of Mulege.

Ocean front home north of Mulege.

Ted's campsite at the first beach in Bahia Concepcion, Playa Santispac. Bahia Concepcion is one of the nicest areas along the route to La Paz.

Ted’s campsite at the first beach in Bahia Concepcion, Playa Santispac. Bahia Concepcion is one of the nicest areas along the route to La Paz.

Next campground in Bahia Concepcion.

Next campground in Bahia Concepcion.

A Freightliner Argosy truck in front of restaurant. Throughout Baja California there are isolated homes that have restaurants. They need to make money somehow, the funny thing for every 10 restaurants Ted would only see about one person that may have been a customer.

A Freightliner Argosy truck in front of restaurant. Throughout Baja California there are isolated homes that have restaurants. They need to make money somehow, the funny thing for every 10 restaurants Ted would only see about one person that may have been a customer.

There were long stretches in the desert without places to get supple. Ted normally left these stops with over one gallon of water. At one point, Ted was close to running out of water and was going to ask the people in the above photo for water. The funny thing is the man driving the vehicle was a biker and asked Ted if he needed water. He ended up giving Ted a sealed 1.5 liter container of water.

There were long stretches in the desert without places to get supple. Ted normally left these stops with over one gallon of water. At one point, Ted was close to running out of water and was going to ask the people in the above photo for water. The funny thing is the man driving the vehicle was a biker and asked Ted if he needed water. He ended up giving Ted a sealed 1.5 liter container of water.

A waterfront restaurant on the Sea of Cortez . Nice spot, Ted felt they probably often got a customer.

A waterfront restaurant on the Sea of Cortez . Nice spot, Ted felt they probably often got a customer.

Ted ended up getting a lot of water at Ligui market. It was the last stop before the big hill.

Ted ended up getting a lot of water at Ligui market. It was the last stop before the big hill.

This photo was taken near the top of the biggest hill climb in Baja California.

This photo was taken near the top of the biggest hill climb in Baja California.

As Ted was biking the above man stopped so his daughter could get a photo of him.  Ted stopped to talk with this man and the man gave Ted water.

As Ted was biking the above man stopped so his daughter could get a photo of him. Ted stopped to talk with this man and the man gave Ted water.

Flower on thorn bush in desert. It seemed like most of the plant in the desert had some sort of thorns.

Flower on thorn bush in desert. It seemed like most of the plant in the desert had some sort of thorns.

This is a typical small town Mexican store. These stores usually did not have things that were easy for me to eat. Most of them had flower but not bread.

This is a typical small town Mexican store. These stores usually did not have things that were easy for me to eat. Most of them had flower but not bread.

A Mexican home across from the above Mexican store. Most of the homes were old, run down and made of cinder block (not much wood construction)

A Mexican home across from the above Mexican store. Most of the homes were old, run down and made of cinder block (not much wood construction)

The campsite Ted had on December 28th between Ciudad Constitucion and La Paz .

The campsite Ted had on December 28th between Ciudad Constitucion and La Paz .

Sunset near the above campsite.

Sunset near the above campsite.

Abandoned car about 3 miles north of El Triunfo. This was near the turn off to Ted's last night’s campsite.

Abandoned car about 3 miles north of El Triunfo. This was near the turn off to Ted’s last night’s campsite.

Ted's bike in front of the church in El Triunfo.

Ted’s bike in front of the church in El Triunfo.

Ruins in the town of El Triunfo. This town is a former mining town and has several interesting ruins and a piano museum.

Ruins in the town of El Triunfo. This town is a former mining town and has several interesting ruins and a piano museum.

Andrea’s cousin, Jeff, owns a condo in Buena Vista and runs a real estate company. His condo is on the top floor and he arranged for us to stay in a lower condo. This photo is a view from his condo.

Andrea’s cousin, Jeff, owns a condo in Buena Vista and runs a real estate company. His condo is on the top floor and he arranged for us to stay in a lower condo. This photo is a view from his condo.

Ted on Jeff's Quad. Jeff's has a Quad and we used it to travel around on the Buena Vista beaches.

Ted on Jeff’s Quad. Jeff’s has a Quad and we used it to travel around on the Buena Vista beaches.

Jeff has several friends in Buena Vista and invited us to one of his friend’s house for a New Year’s party. This photo has the roast pig that they served at the party on the kitchen counter.

Jeff has several friends in Buena Vista and invited us to one of his friend’s house for a New Year’s party. This photo has the roast pig that they served at the party on the kitchen counter.

Andrea’s cousin, Jeff, took us deep sea fishing we didn’t catch anything, but did see the above dolphin from his boat. It was a nice boat trip!

Andrea’s cousin, Jeff, took us deep sea fishing we didn’t catch anything, but did see the above dolphin from his boat. It was a nice boat trip!

Andrea in front of the hot springs near Santiago, Mexico.

Andrea in front of the hot springs near Santiago, Mexico.

Jeff and Kimberly took Andrea and Ted to La Paz. While they went shopping Ted took photos, like the above church.

Jeff and Kimberly took Andrea and Ted to La Paz. While they went shopping Ted took photos, like the above church.

Ted saw several large cacti; the above cactus was photographed on his short (70 mile) ride from Buena Vista to Cabo San Lucas.

Ted saw several large cacti; the above cactus was photographed on his short (70 mile) ride from Buena Vista to Cabo San Lucas.

A photo of Ted's bike as Ted entering Cabo San Lucas. Ted forgot to bring his biking gloves and put socks on his handlebars to replace the missing gloves.

A photo of Ted’s bike as Ted entering Cabo San Lucas. Ted forgot to bring his biking gloves and put socks on his handlebars to replace the missing gloves.

Pelicans seen from the boat Andrea and Ted took to Cabo Arch and Lover’s beach.

Pelicans seen from the boat Andrea and Ted took to Cabo Arch and Lover’s beach.

A photo of the Arch (Los Arcos) in Cabo San Lucas. You can view this arch from either across the harbor or by boat. This photo was taken from a boat.

A photo of the Arch (Los Arcos) in Cabo San Lucas. You can view this arch from either across the harbor or by boat. This photo was taken from a boat.

Sea lions seen from the boat Andrea and Ted took to the arch near Cabo San Lucas.

Sea lions seen from the boat Andrea and Ted took to the arch near Cabo San Lucas.

Andrea getting ready to get off the boat we took to Lover’s beach.

Andrea getting ready to get off the boat we took to Lover’s beach.

Ted at Lover’s beach near the Cabo San Lucas arch.

Ted at Lover’s beach near the Cabo San Lucas arch.

Ted next to pelicans on the peer at Cabo San Lucas.

Ted next to pelicans on the peer at Cabo San Lucas.

Iguanas with Ted and Andrea. Ted paid $2.00 to the owner of the iguanas for him to take our photos with his iguanas in Cabo San Lucas.

Iguanas with Ted and Andrea. Ted paid $2.00 to the owner of the iguanas for him to take our photos with his iguanas in Cabo San Lucas.

A bike at the end of the peer in Cabo San Lucas.

A bike at the end of the peer in Cabo San Lucas.

A building a little north of Todos Santos.

A building a little north of Todos Santos.

Andrea standing near ruins of old mines at El Triunfo.

Andrea standing near ruins of old mines at El Triunfo.

One of the old buildings in El Triunfo, the town was a very old mining town.

One of the old buildings in El Triunfo, the town was a very old mining town.