T20 ALL PHOTOS – Italy 08

Bike shop with a Santa Claus Waterfront trail in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre Looking towards hill in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre Praying Statue looking towards town of Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre
Italy Monterosso, Italy Monterosso, Italy Monterosso, Italy
Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre Cemetery in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre City walls in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre Town of Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre
Monterosso, Italy Monterosso, Italy Monterosso, Italy Monterosso, Italy
Stairs of trail between Monterosso and Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre Trail between Monterosso and Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre Washing machine in Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre City wall tower in Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre
Vernazza, Italy Vernazza, Italy Vernazza, Italy Vernazza, Italy
View from trail going towards the town of Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre View of Vernazza, Italy from the trail - Cinque Terre Town of Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre View of Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre
Vernazza, Italy Vernazza, Italy Vernazza, Italy Vernazza, Italy
Ted with the town of Vernazza in the background - Cinque Terre Trail through the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre Statue in the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre Trail/ restaurant in the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre
Vernazza, Italy Corniglia, Italy Corniglia, Italy Corniglia, Italy
Boats on sidewalk in the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre Town of Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre Statue on the trail near Manarola, Italy Cinque Terre Boats in town of Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre
Corniglia, Italy Manarola, Italy Manarola, Italy Manarola, Italy
Train to Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre Trail/ train tracks in Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre The trail from Manarola to Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre The trail from Manarola to Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre
Manarola, Italy Manarola, Italy Cinque Terre, Italy Cinque Terre, Italy
The town of Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre Ambulance in the town of Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre View of Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre Ted's bike south of La Spezia
Riomaggiore, Italy Riomaggiore, Italy Riomaggiore, Italy La Spezia, Italy
Ted with his bike in front of the leaning tower of Pisa, Italy River in Pisa, Italy Motorcycles Pisa, Italy Italian Bikers
Pisa, Italy Pisa, Italy Pisa, Italy Italy
Old camper van Ted's bike in front of building. Ted's bike in front of tower near Orbetello Rome - Ted with his bike in front of San Gregorio Magno church
Italy Italy Orbetello, Italy Rome, Italy
Rome - Ted with his bike in front of Coliseum Rome - Ted near his bike at Coliseum Rome - Probably Mercati Tralanie Rome - Ted with his bike in front of Arco Di Costantino
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
Rome - Ted with bike in front of Castel Sant Angelo Rome - Biker near man statue (man earning a living in custom) Rome - People going to Christmas Mass at the Vatican Rome - Smart car
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
Rome - Christmas Mass at the Vatican Rome - Pope at Christmas Mass in the Vatican Rome - Ted with his bike in front of the Vatican with Christmas Mass about to start. Rome - Police for security during Christmas Mass at the Vatican.
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
Rome - Soldier leaving Christmas Mass at the Vatican Rome - People leaving Christmas Mass at the Vatican Rome - Fiat Rome - Piazza del Tribunali
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
Rome - Statue near fountain at Plaza Del Popolo Rome - Fountain at Plaza Del Popolo Rome - Ted's bike in front of buildings at Plaza Del Popolo Rome - Fountain de Trevi
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
Rome - Tempio Adriano Rome - Ted with his bike in front of the Pantheon Rome -Vatican Rome - Plaza Dellia Repubblica
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
Castle Napoli - Ted's bike in front of Plaza Piebiscito Napoli -Ted's bike in front of Castel Nuovo Pompei - Skeleton
Italy Napoli, Italy Napoli, Italy Pompei, Italy
Pompei - Ruins Pompei - Ruins Pompei - Teatro Grande Pompei - Mural
Pompei, Italy Pompei, Italy Pompei, Italy Pompei, Italy
Pompei - Ted in Anfiteatro Sorrento - Fountain Sorrento - View from Ferry terminal Coast near Sorrento
Pompei, Italy Sorrento, Italy Sorrento, Italy Sorrento, Italy
Coast near Sorrento Coast south of Sorrento Fountain south of Sorrento Fruit stand south of Sorrento - large lemons
Sorrento, Italy Italy Italy Italy
Church in town between Sorrento and Salerno Highway south of Paola Messina - Statue Messina - Ted's bike in front of Fountain
Italy Italy Messina, Italy Messina, Italy
Messina - Clock on a Church Messina - Church with clock of photo above this photo. Taormina - Coliseum Taormina - Ted at Coliseum
Messina, Italy Messina, Italy Taormina, Italy Taormina, Italy
Taormina - Hotel Catania - Ted's bike in front of the hotel (hotel S Dehetrio - Via Etnea 55) where Ted stayed. Catania - Ted's bike in front of Cathedral Basilica Ted's bike with Mount Etna in the background.
Taormina, Italy Catania, Italy Catania, Italy Sicily, Italy
Typical Sicilian town Ted's bike in front of Church in typical Sicilian Town. Ted's bike in front of typical Sicilian Town. Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy
Sicily, Italy Sicily, Italy Sicily, Italy Agrigento, Italy
Ruins in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) on Sicily, Italy Ted in front of the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy Ruins in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) on Sicily, Italy Ted in front of the Temple of
Agrigento, Italy Agrigento, Italy Agrigento, Italy Agrigento, Italy
Path leading to the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy Ted's bike in front of typical church in Sicily Three wheel vehicle - common in Italy - They sounds like a motorcycle. Roof top in Marsala
Agrigento, Italy Sicily, Italy Sicily, Italy Marsala, Italy
Map of Lo Stagnone - near Marsala Church in Sicily, Marsala Wind mill in Lo Stagnone Ted and his bike at Lo Stagnone
Marsala, Italy Marsala, Italy Lo Stagnone, Italy Lo Stagnone, Italy
Wind mill in Lo Stagnone Map of Lo Stagnone Ted at Lo Stagnone Statue in museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone
Lo Stagnone, Italy Lo Stagnone, Italy Lo Stagnone, Italy Mozia Island, Italy
Vase in Museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone Vases in Museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone Sheep on road near Lo Stagnone Wind Mill near Trapani
Mozia Island, Italy Mozia Island, Italy Lo Stagnone, Italy Trapani, Italy
Ted outside the ruins of the Temple at Segesta Ted inside the ruins of the Temple at Segesta Ruins of the Temple at Segesta Ruins of the theatre at Segesta
Segesta, Italy Segesta, Italy Segesta, Italy Segesta, Italy
Inside the church in Alcamo Ted's bike in front of the church in Alcamo Ted with his bike in front of Church in Alcamo Ted's bike near Fiat.
Alcamo, Italy Alcamo, Italy Alcamo, Italy Sicily, Italy
Ted's bike with view of ocean in background. Mural in a town in Sicily Bikers in Sicily Man smoking a cigarette on a hay wagon.
Sicily, Italy Sicily, Italy Sicily, Italy Sicily, Italy
Ted's bike as he was entering Palermo county Ruins west of the city of Palermo Ted's bike in front of a town west of Palermo Abandoned car in Palermo - not typical
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy
Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Politeama Garibaldi Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Teatro Massimo (Theatre). Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Banyan tree in Giardino Garibaldi Park Palermo - Typical historic building.
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy
Palermo - Building with Columns. Palermo - Ted's bike in front of the Cathedral Palermo - Ted's bike in front of the Cathedral Palermo - Mural in the Cathedral
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy
Palermo - Tomb in the Cathedral Palermo - Tomb in the crypts of the Cathedral Palermo - The crypts of the Cathedral Monreale - Cathedral
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Monreale, Italy
Monreale -Cathedral Monreale - Confession booth in Cathedral Monreale - Alter in Cathedral. Monreale - Mural near ceiling of Cathedral.
Monreale, Italy Monreale, Italy Monreale, Italy Monreale, Italy
Monreale - Fruit stand. Monreale - Cathedral Palermo - Chiesa di Sant Anna Palermo - Graffiti covered train - there is lots of Graffiti in Italy
Monreale, Italy Monreale, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy
Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Fontana Di Piazza Pretoria Palermo - Church Palermo - Fruit stand Ted's bike on beach near town east of Palermo - Boats
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy
Town east of Palermo - Church Town east of Palermo - Ted's bike on narrow road, not sure what would have happened if cars would have been coming in both directions. Palermo - Castello Utveggio Palermo - Ted with his bike on hill overlooking Palermo - Statue di S. Rosalia
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy
Palermo - View of Palermo and Castello Utveggio Palermo - Castello Utveggio Napoli - Ted's bike in front of Castel Nuovo Napoli - Ted's bike in front of the train he took to Rome
Palermo, Italy Palermo, Italy Napoli, Italy Napoli, Italy
Rome - Plaza Della Repubblica Rome - Ted's bike in front of Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II Rome - Ted with his bike in front of the Coliseum
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy

Bike shop with a Santa Claus

Bike shop with a Santa Claus

Waterfront trail in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

Waterfront trail in Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

Looking towards hill in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

Looking towards hill in Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

Praying Statue looking towards town of Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

Praying Statue looking towards town of Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

Cemetery in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

Cemetery in Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

City walls in Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

City walls in Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

Town of Monterosso, Italy - Cinque Terre

Town of Monterosso, Italy – Cinque Terre

Stairs of trail between Monterosso and Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

Stairs of trail between Monterosso and Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

Trail between Monterosso and Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

Trail between Monterosso and Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

Washing machine in Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

Washing machine in Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

City wall tower in Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

City wall tower in Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

View from trail going towards the town of Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

View from trail going towards the town of Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

View of Vernazza, Italy from the trail - Cinque Terre

View of Vernazza, Italy from the trail – Cinque Terre

Town of Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

Town of Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

View of Vernazza, Italy - Cinque Terre

View of Vernazza, Italy – Cinque Terre

Ted with the town of Vernazza in the background - Cinque Terre

Ted with the town of Vernazza in the background – Cinque Terre

Trail through the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre

Trail through the town of Corniglia, Italy – Cinque Terre

Statue in the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre

Statue in the town of Corniglia, Italy – Cinque Terre

Trail/ restaurant in the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre

Trail/ restaurant in the town of Corniglia, Italy – Cinque Terre

Boats on sidewalk in the town of Corniglia, Italy - Cinque Terre

Boats on sidewalk in the town of Corniglia, Italy – Cinque Terre

Town of Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre

Town of Manarola, Italy – Cinque Terre

Statue on the trail near Manarola, Italy Cinque Terre

Statue on the trail near Manarola, Italy Cinque Terre

Boats in town of Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre

Boats in town of Manarola, Italy – Cinque Terre

Train to Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre

Train to Manarola, Italy – Cinque Terre

Trail/ train tracks in Manarola, Italy - Cinque Terre

Trail/ train tracks in Manarola, Italy – Cinque Terre

The trail from Manarola to Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre

The trail from Manarola to Riomaggiore, Italy – Cinque Terre

The trail from Manarola to Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre

The trail from Manarola to Riomaggiore, Italy – Cinque Terre

The town of Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre

The town of Riomaggiore, Italy – Cinque Terre

Ambulance in the town of Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre

Ambulance in the town of Riomaggiore, Italy – Cinque Terre

View of Riomaggiore, Italy - Cinque Terre

View of Riomaggiore, Italy – Cinque Terre

Ted's bike south of La Spezia

Ted’s bike south of La Spezia

Ted with his bike in front of the leaning tower of Pisa, Italy

Ted with his bike in front of the leaning tower of Pisa, Italy

River in Pisa, Italy

River in Pisa, Italy

Motorcycles Pisa, Italy

Motorcycles Pisa, Italy

Italian Bikers

Italian Bikers

Old camper van

Old camper van

Ted's bike in front of building.

Ted’s bike in front of building.

Ted's bike in front of tower near Orbetello

Ted’s bike in front of tower near Orbetello

Rome - Ted with his bike in front of San Gregorio Magno church

Rome – Ted with his bike in front of San Gregorio Magno church

Rome - Ted with his bike in front of Coliseum

Rome – Ted with his bike in front of Coliseum

Rome - Ted near his bike at Coliseum

Rome – Ted near his bike at Coliseum

Rome - Probably Mercati Tralanie

Rome – Probably Mercati Tralanie

Rome - Ted with his bike in front of Arco Di Costantino

Rome – Ted with his bike in front of Arco Di Costantino

Rome - Ted with bike in front of Castel Sant Angelo

Rome – Ted with bike in front of Castel Sant Angelo

Rome - Biker near man statue (man earning a living in custom)

Rome – Biker near man statue (man earning a living in custom)

Rome - People going to Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome – People going to Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome - Smart car

Rome – Smart car

Rome - Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome – Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome - Pope at Christmas Mass in the Vatican

Rome – Pope at Christmas Mass in the Vatican

Rome - Ted with his bike in front of the Vatican with Christmas Mass about to start.

Rome – Ted with his bike in front of the Vatican with Christmas Mass about to start.

Rome - Police for security during Christmas Mass at the Vatican.

Rome – Police for security during Christmas Mass at the Vatican.

Rome - Soldier leaving Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome – Soldier leaving Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome - People leaving Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome – People leaving Christmas Mass at the Vatican

Rome - Fiat

Rome – Fiat

Rome - Piazza del Tribunali

Rome – Piazza del Tribunali

Rome - Statue near fountain at Plaza Del Popolo

Rome – Statue near fountain at Plaza Del Popolo

Rome - Fountain at Plaza Del Popolo

Rome – Fountain at Plaza Del Popolo

Rome - Ted's bike in front of buildings at Plaza Del Popolo

Rome – Ted’s bike in front of buildings at Plaza Del Popolo

Rome - Fountain de Trevi

Rome – Fountain de Trevi

Rome - Tempio Adriano

Rome – Tempio Adriano

Rome - Ted with his bike in front of the Pantheon

Rome – Ted with his bike in front of the Pantheon

Rome -Vatican

Rome -Vatican

Rome - Plaza Dellia Repubblica

Rome – Plaza Dellia Repubblica



Napoli - Ted's bike in front of Plaza Piebiscito

Napoli – Ted’s bike in front of Plaza Piebiscito

Napoli -Ted's bike in front of Castel Nuovo

Napoli -Ted’s bike in front of Castel Nuovo

Pompei - Skeleton

Pompei – Skeleton

Pompei - Ruins

Pompei – Ruins

Pompei - Ruins

Pompei – Ruins

Pompei - Teatro Grande

Pompei – Teatro Grande

Pompei - Mural

Pompei – Mural

Pompei - Ted in Anfiteatro

Pompei – Ted in Anfiteatro

Sorrento - Fountain

Sorrento – Fountain

Sorrento - View from Ferry terminal

Sorrento – View from Ferry terminal

Coast near Sorrento

Coast near Sorrento

Coast near Sorrento

Coast near Sorrento

Coast south of Sorrento

Coast south of Sorrento

Fountain south of Sorrento

Fountain south of Sorrento

Fruit stand south of Sorrento - large lemons

Fruit stand south of Sorrento – large lemons

Church in town between Sorrento and Salerno

Church in town between Sorrento and Salerno

Highway south of Paola

Highway south of Paola

Messina - Statue

Messina – Statue

Messina - Ted's bike in front of Fountain

Messina – Ted’s bike in front of Fountain

Messina - Clock on a Church

Messina – Clock on a Church

Messina - Church with clock of photo above this photo.

Messina – Church with clock of photo above this photo.

Taormina - Coliseum

Taormina – Coliseum

Taormina - Ted at Coliseum

Taormina – Ted at Coliseum

Taormina - Hotel

Taormina – Hotel

Catania - Ted's bike in front of the hotel (hotel S Dehetrio - Via Etnea 55) where Ted stayed.

Catania – Ted’s bike in front of the hotel (hotel S Dehetrio – Via Etnea 55) where Ted stayed.

Catania - Ted's bike in front of Cathedral Basilica

Catania – Ted’s bike in front of Cathedral Basilica

Ted's bike with Mount Etna in the background.

Ted’s bike with Mount Etna in the background.

Typical Sicilian town

Typical Sicilian town

Ted's bike in front of Church in typical Sicilian Town.

Ted’s bike in front of Church in typical Sicilian Town.

Ted's bike in front of typical Sicilian Town.

Ted’s bike in front of typical Sicilian Town.

Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Ruins in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) on Sicily, Italy

Ruins in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) on Sicily, Italy

Ted in front of the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Ted in front of the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Ruins in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) on Sicily, Italy

Ruins in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) on Sicily, Italy

Ted in front of the Temple of

Ted in front of the Temple of “Hera” in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Path leading to the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Path leading to the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of Temples (Valle dei Templi) in Sicily, Italy

Ted's bike in front of typical church in Sicily

Ted’s bike in front of typical church in Sicily

Three wheel vehicle - common in Italy - They sounds like a motorcycle.

Three wheel vehicle – common in Italy – They sounds like a motorcycle.

Roof top in Marsala

Roof top in Marsala

Map of Lo Stagnone - near Marsala

Map of Lo Stagnone – near Marsala

Church in Sicily, Marsala

Church in Sicily, Marsala

Wind mill in Lo Stagnone

Wind mill in Lo Stagnone

Ted and his bike at Lo Stagnone

Ted and his bike at Lo Stagnone

Wind mill in Lo Stagnone

Wind mill in Lo Stagnone

Map of Lo Stagnone

Map of Lo Stagnone

Ted at Lo Stagnone

Ted at Lo Stagnone

Statue in museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone

Statue in museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone

Vase in Museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone

Vase in Museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone

Vases in Museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone

Vases in Museum on Mozia Island in Lo Stagnone

Sheep on road near Lo Stagnone

Sheep on road near Lo Stagnone

Wind Mill near Trapani

Wind Mill near Trapani

Ted outside the ruins of the Temple at Segesta

Ted outside the ruins of the Temple at Segesta

Ted inside the ruins of the Temple at Segesta

Ted inside the ruins of the Temple at Segesta

Ruins of the Temple at Segesta

Ruins of the Temple at Segesta

Ruins of the theatre at Segesta

Ruins of the theatre at Segesta

Inside the church in Alcamo

Inside the church in Alcamo

Ted's bike in front of the church in Alcamo

Ted’s bike in front of the church in Alcamo

Ted with his bike in front of Church in Alcamo

Ted with his bike in front of Church in Alcamo

Ted's bike near Fiat.

Ted’s bike near Fiat.

Ted's bike with view of ocean in background.

Ted’s bike with view of ocean in background.

Mural in a town in Sicily

Mural in a town in Sicily

Bikers in Sicily

Bikers in Sicily

Man smoking a cigarette on a hay wagon.

Man smoking a cigarette on a hay wagon.

Ted's bike as he was entering Palermo county

Ted’s bike as he was entering Palermo county

Ruins west of the city of Palermo

Ruins west of the city of Palermo

Ted's bike in front of a town west of Palermo

Ted’s bike in front of a town west of Palermo

Abandoned car in Palermo - not typical

Abandoned car in Palermo – not typical

Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Politeama Garibaldi

Palermo – Ted’s bike in front of Politeama Garibaldi

Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Teatro Massimo (Theatre).

Palermo – Ted’s bike in front of Teatro Massimo (Theatre).

Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Banyan tree in Giardino Garibaldi Park

Palermo – Ted’s bike in front of Banyan tree in Giardino Garibaldi Park

Palermo - Typical historic building.

Palermo – Typical historic building.

Palermo - Building with Columns.

Palermo – Building with Columns.

Palermo - Ted's bike in front of the Cathedral

Palermo – Ted’s bike in front of the Cathedral

Palermo - Ted's bike in front of the Cathedral

Palermo – Ted’s bike in front of the Cathedral

Palermo - Mural in the Cathedral

Palermo – Mural in the Cathedral

Palermo - Tomb in the Cathedral

Palermo – Tomb in the Cathedral

Palermo - Tomb in the crypts of the Cathedral

Palermo – Tomb in the crypts of the Cathedral

Palermo - The crypts of the Cathedral

Palermo – The crypts of the Cathedral

Monreale - Cathedral

Monreale – Cathedral

Monreale -Cathedral

Monreale -Cathedral

Monreale - Confession booth in Cathedral

Monreale – Confession booth in Cathedral

Monreale - Alter in Cathedral.

Monreale – Alter in Cathedral.

Monreale - Mural near ceiling of Cathedral.

Monreale – Mural near ceiling of Cathedral.

Monreale - Fruit stand.

Monreale – Fruit stand.

Monreale - Cathedral

Monreale – Cathedral

Palermo - Chiesa di Sant Anna

Palermo – Chiesa di Sant Anna

Palermo - Graffiti covered train - there is lots of Graffiti in Italy

Palermo – Graffiti covered train – there is lots of Graffiti in Italy

Palermo - Ted's bike in front of Fontana Di Piazza Pretoria

Palermo – Ted’s bike in front of Fontana Di Piazza Pretoria

Palermo - Church

Palermo – Church

Palermo - Fruit stand

Palermo – Fruit stand

Ted's bike on beach near town east of Palermo - Boats

Ted’s bike on beach near town east of Palermo – Boats

Town east of Palermo - Church

Town east of Palermo – Church

Town east of Palermo - Ted's bike on narrow road, not sure what would have happened if cars would have been coming in both directions.

Town east of Palermo – Ted’s bike on narrow road, not sure what would have happened if cars would have been coming in both directions.

Palermo - Castello Utveggio

Palermo – Castello Utveggio

Palermo - Ted with his bike on hill overlooking Palermo - Statue di S. Rosalia

Palermo – Ted with his bike on hill overlooking Palermo – Statue di S. Rosalia

Palermo - View of Palermo and Castello Utveggio

Palermo – View of Palermo and Castello Utveggio

Palermo - Castello Utveggio

Palermo – Castello Utveggio

Napoli - Ted's bike in front of Castel Nuovo

Napoli – Ted’s bike in front of Castel Nuovo

Napoli - Ted's bike in front of the train he took to Rome

Napoli – Ted’s bike in front of the train he took to Rome

Rome - Plaza Della Repubblica

Rome – Plaza Della Repubblica

Rome - Ted's bike in front of Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II

Rome – Ted’s bike in front of Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II

Rome - Ted with his bike in front of the Coliseum

Rome – Ted with his bike in front of the Coliseum