T21 ALL PHOTOS – Panama and Costa Rica 10

Lady in Panama City, Panama Boats in harbor of Panama City, Panama Church in Panama City, Panama Telephone booth in Panama City, Panama
Panama City, Panama Panama City, Panama Panama City, Panama Panama City, Panama
Colon - Train used to pull a boat through Panama Canal Church in Colon, Panama Apartments in Panama City, Panama Boat going through a lock on the Panama Canal in Panama
Colon, Panama Colon, Panama Panama City, Panama Panama Canal
Ted at a lock on the Panama Canal in Panama Ted at a view point in Panama City, Panama Ted with Panama Canal tour bus group in Panama City Buildings in Panama City, Panama
Panama Canal Panama City, Panama Panama City, Panama Panama City, Panama
Busses in Panama City, Panama Downtown Boquete, Panama Fee sign at Volcano Baru trailhead near Boquete, Panama Moon seen from Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama
Panama City, Panama Boquete, Panama Volcano Baru Volcano Baru
Lizard on the ground of Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama Flowers by Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama Ted in the back of an abandoned truck by the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama
Volcano Baru Volcano Baru Volcano Baru Volcano Baru
Ted near the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama Ted on the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama View from the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama Ted ready for zipline tour near Boquete, Panama
Volcano Baru Volcano Baru Volcano Baru Boquete, Panama
Ted with his group about to zipline tour near Boquete, Panama Ted ready for zipline tour near Boquete, Panama Lady in Ted's group arriving at a landing pad on zipline tour near Boquete, Panama Ted on zipline near Boquete, Panama
Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama
Flowers in a house garden near Boquete, Panama Flower in a house garden near Boquete, Panama Someone's garden in Boquete, Panama Coffee beans in a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama
Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama
Coffee plants at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama Bag of coffee beans at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama Man moving heavy bag of coffee beans at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama Tasting coffee at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama
Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama
Family that lives in the house at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama Ted's bike on a road near Boquete, Panama Target store in David, Panama Ted's bike in downtown David, Panama
Boquete, Panama Boquete, Panama David, Panama David, Panama
German bikers in Panama Car in front of the Court House in Neily, Costa Rica Ferry from Golfito to Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Iguana in a tree in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Panama Neily, Costa Rica Golfito, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Lizard on the ground in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Boats on shore near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Flowers in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Cows in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Bird on telephone line in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Home in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Crocodile in lagoon near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Ted's bike on the beach near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Horse near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Bird near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Toucan in a tree at Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Toucan in a tree at Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Red-lored parrots in a tree near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Monkey on a roof in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica House on stilts in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Ted's bike near a bridge in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica
A lizard in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica House in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica
White Ibis between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica Cow between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica Bird between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica
Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica
Ted with his bike in La Palma, Costa Rica Road in La Palma, Costa Rica Lizard on wall at Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Lizard on the ground near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica
La Palma, Costa Rica La Palma, Costa Rica Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge
Ted with his bike by hotel office at Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Ted's bike in front of bamboo near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Ted's bike near river crossing near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Ted's bike near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica
Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge
Ted with his bike near big tree by Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Lizard near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Butterfly near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Flower near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica
Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge
People commuting by motorcycle near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Spider near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Banana tree near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Home near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica
Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge
Lizard on the ground near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Inside the Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica Ted's bike near La Palma, Costa Rica Potholes in road near La Palma, Costa Rica
Danta Corcovado Lodge Danta Corcovado Lodge La Palma, Costa Rica Costa Rica
Dead snake on the road near La Palma, Costa Rica Road between La Palma and Palma Norte, Costa Rica. Ted's bike between La Palma and Palma Norte, Costa Rica. Night club in Palma Norte, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Palma Norte, Costa Rica
House on stilts between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica. Horse drawn commuter between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica. Butterfly between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica. Market in Quepos, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica
Sign in Quepos, Costa Rica. Snowy Egret in Quepos, Costa Rica. Great-tailed Grackle in Quepos, Costa Rica. Silk Skin Ant eater seen in a tree while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica
Quepos, Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica
Limpkin in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica Snake in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica Monkey in tree seen from boat while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica Osprey in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica
Quepos, Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica Quepos, Costa Rica
Nest in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Snowy Egret at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Monkey in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica
Sloth in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Monkey in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Sloth in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica
Egret in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica Biker that started in the USA and is headed to Argentina Bungee jumper near Jaco, Costa Rica Sunset at Jaco, Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio NP, Costa Rica Costa Rica Jaco, Costa Rica Jaco, Costa Rica
Lizard at restaurant in Jaco, Costa Rica Crocodiles in Tarcoles River north of Jaco, Costa Rica People getting drinks at the bar on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo People dancing on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo
Jaco, Costa Rica Jaco, Costa Rica Puntarenas, Costa Rica Puntarenas, Costa Rica
People dancing on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo Egret on rock near Playa Naranjo Snowy Egret on rock near Playa Naranjo Bird near Playa Naranjo
Puntarenas, Costa Rica Playa Naranjo Playa Naranjo Playa Naranjo
Egret in water near Playa Naranjo Ferry seen from Playa Naranjo Bird flying north of Playa Naranjo Bird on telephone line north of Playa Naranjo
Playa Naranjo Playa Naranjo Costa Rica Costa Rica
Pin ball machine in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Pin ball machines in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Ted's bike in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Ted's bike north of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica
Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Costa Rica
Deisel truck north of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica Nicaragua boarder in Costa Rica Spider at Santa Rosa National Park Spider at Santa Rosa National Park
Costa Rica Costa Rica Santa Rosa National Park Santa Rosa National Park
Cyclist in Liberia, Costa Rica Home in Liberia, Costa Rica Deisel truck in Liberia, Costa Rica Building in Liberia, Costa Rica
Liberia, Costa Rica Liberia, Costa Rica Liberia, Costa Rica Liberia, Costa Rica
Car near White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal People feeding White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal Ted near White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal River with Volcano Arenal in background
Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Volcano Arenal
Ted taking the skytram to top of the zipline area near Volcano Arenal Ted at the top of the skytram near Volcano Arenal Ted on zipline near Volcano Arenal This animal looked like a Kinkajous near Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal
Toucans in tree near Volcano Arenal. Toucan in tree near Volcano Arenal Howler Monkey in a tree near Volcano Arenal Sloth in a tree near Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal
Plant near Volcano Arenal Straw hut in a village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal Family in hut at village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal Beds in hut at village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal
Bridge by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal. Hot springs near Volcano Arenal Hot springs near Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal
Church Ted's bike in Manzanillo, Costa Rica Ted's bike near police station in Manzanillo, Costa Rica Whimbrel near Manzanillo, Costa Rica
Costa Rica Manzanillo, Costa Rica Manzanillo, Costa Rica Manzanillo, Costa Rica
Ted's bike in Manzanillo, Costa Rica Home in Manzanillo, Costa Rica Plant in Playa Chiquita, Costa Rica Police station in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Manzanillo, Costa Rica Manzanillo, Costa Rica Playa Chiquita, Costa Rica Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Boat near Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Ted's hotel room at Paos Lodge, Costa Rica Statistics at Paos Lodge, Costa Rica Hug leaves on plants near Volcano Paos, Costa Rica
Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Paos Lodge, Costa Rica Paos Lodge, Costa Rica Paos, Costa Rica
Ted over looking lake in Volcano Paos, Costa Rica Ted overlooking Volcano Paos, Costa Rica Ted near huge leaves at Volcano Paos, Costa Rica Common chlorospingus at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
Paos, Costa Rica Paos, Costa Rica Paos, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
White-crowned parrot La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Toucan near La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Flower near La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Morpho butterfly with cocoons at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Thoas swallowtail butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Morpho Butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Hummingbird at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Pool at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Bird at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Ted taking a photo of a Morpho butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Ruby Spotted Swallowtail at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Blue-Frosted Banner at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Common Morpho at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Ted near oxen at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Man with oxen and cart at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Kitchen display at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Strawberry Poison Dart Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Red Eyed Tree Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Small red frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Violet Sabrewing at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Brown snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Yellow snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Green snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Red flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Purple flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Red and yellow flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica La Paz Waterfall, Costa Rica
Church at Alajuela, Costa Rica
Alajuela, Costa Rica

Lady in Panama City, Panama

Lady in Panama City, Panama

Boats in harbor of Panama City, Panama

Boats in harbor of Panama City, Panama

Church in Panama City, Panama

Church in Panama City, Panama

Telephone booth in Panama City, Panama

Telephone booth in Panama City, Panama

Colon - Train used to pull a boat through Panama Canal

Colon – Train used to pull a boat through Panama Canal

Church in Colon, Panama

Church in Colon, Panama

Apartments in Panama City, Panama

Apartments in Panama City, Panama

Boat going through a lock on the Panama Canal in Panama

Boat going through a lock on the Panama Canal in Panama

Ted at a lock on the Panama Canal in Panama

Ted at a lock on the Panama Canal in Panama

Ted at a view point in Panama City, Panama

Ted at a view point in Panama City, Panama

Ted with Panama Canal tour bus group in Panama City

Ted with Panama Canal tour bus group in Panama City

Buildings in Panama City, Panama

Buildings in Panama City, Panama

Busses in Panama City, Panama

Busses in Panama City, Panama

Downtown Boquete, Panama

Downtown Boquete, Panama

Fee sign at Volcano Baru trailhead near Boquete, Panama

Fee sign at Volcano Baru trailhead near Boquete, Panama

Moon seen from Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Moon seen from Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Lizard on the ground of Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Lizard on the ground of Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Flowers by Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Flowers by Volcano Baru Trail near Boquete, Panama

Ted in the back of an abandoned truck by the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

Ted in the back of an abandoned truck by the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

Ted near the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

Ted near the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

Ted on the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

Ted on the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

View from the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

View from the summit of Volcano Baru near Boquete, Panama

Ted ready for zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Ted ready for zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Ted with his group about to zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Ted with his group about to zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Ted ready for zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Ted ready for zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Lady in Ted's group arriving at a landing pad on zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Lady in Ted’s group arriving at a landing pad on zipline tour near Boquete, Panama

Ted on zipline near Boquete, Panama

Ted on zipline near Boquete, Panama

Flowers in a house garden near Boquete, Panama

Flowers in a house garden near Boquete, Panama

Flower in a house garden near Boquete, Panama

Flower in a house garden near Boquete, Panama

Someone's garden in Boquete, Panama

Someone’s garden in Boquete, Panama

Coffee beans in a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Coffee beans in a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Coffee plants at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Coffee plants at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Bag of coffee beans at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Bag of coffee beans at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Man moving heavy bag of coffee beans at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Man moving heavy bag of coffee beans at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Tasting coffee at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Tasting coffee at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Family that lives in the house at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Family that lives in the house at a coffee plantation near Boquete, Panama

Ted's bike on a road near Boquete, Panama

Ted’s bike on a road near Boquete, Panama

Target store in David, Panama

Target store in David, Panama

Ted's bike in downtown David, Panama

Ted’s bike in downtown David, Panama

German bikers in Panama

German bikers in Panama

Car in front of the Court House in Neily, Costa Rica

Car in front of the Court House in Neily, Costa Rica

Ferry from Golfito to Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Ferry from Golfito to Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Iguana in a tree in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Iguana in a tree in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Lizard on the ground in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Lizard on the ground in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Boats on shore near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Boats on shore near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Flowers in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Flowers in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Cows in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Cows in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Bird on telephone line in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Bird on telephone line in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Home in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Home in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Crocodile in lagoon near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Crocodile in lagoon near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Ted's bike on the beach near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike on the beach near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Horse near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Horse near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Bird near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Bird near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Toucan in a tree at Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Toucan in a tree at Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Toucan in a tree at Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Toucan in a tree at Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Red-lored parrots in a tree near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Red-lored parrots in a tree near Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Monkey on a roof in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Monkey on a roof in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

House on stilts in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

House on stilts in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Ted's bike near a bridge in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike near a bridge in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

A lizard in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

A lizard in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

House in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

House in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

White Ibis between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

White Ibis between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Flower between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Cow between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Cow between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Bird between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Bird between Puerto Jimenez and La Palma, Costa Rica

Ted with his bike in La Palma, Costa Rica

Ted with his bike in La Palma, Costa Rica

Road in La Palma, Costa Rica

Road in La Palma, Costa Rica

Lizard on wall at Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard on wall at Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard on the ground near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard on the ground near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted with his bike by hotel office at Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted with his bike by hotel office at Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted's bike in front of bamboo near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike in front of bamboo near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted's bike near river crossing near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike near river crossing near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted's bike near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted with his bike near big tree by Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted with his bike near big tree by Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Butterfly near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Butterfly near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Flower near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Flower near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

People commuting by motorcycle near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

People commuting by motorcycle near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Spider near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Spider near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Banana tree near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Banana tree near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Home near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Home near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard on the ground near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Lizard on the ground near Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Inside the Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Inside the Danta Corcovado Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted's bike near La Palma, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike near La Palma, Costa Rica

Potholes in road near La Palma, Costa Rica

Potholes in road near La Palma, Costa Rica

Dead snake on the road near La Palma, Costa Rica

Dead snake on the road near La Palma, Costa Rica

Road between La Palma and Palma Norte, Costa Rica.

Road between La Palma and Palma Norte, Costa Rica.

Ted's bike between La Palma and Palma Norte, Costa Rica.

Ted’s bike between La Palma and Palma Norte, Costa Rica.

Night club in Palma Norte, Costa Rica.

Night club in Palma Norte, Costa Rica.

House on stilts between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica.

House on stilts between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica.

Horse drawn commuter between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica.

Horse drawn commuter between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica.

Butterfly between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica.

Butterfly between Palma Norte and Quepos, Costa Rica.

Market in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Market in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Sign in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Sign in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Snowy Egret in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Snowy Egret in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Great-tailed Grackle in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Great-tailed Grackle in Quepos, Costa Rica.

Silk Skin Ant eater seen in a tree while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Silk Skin Ant eater seen in a tree while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Limpkin in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Limpkin in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Snake in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Snake in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Monkey in tree seen from boat while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Monkey in tree seen from boat while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Osprey in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Osprey in a tree seen while on the Mango Tour near Quepos, Costa Rica

Nest in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Nest in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Snowy Egret at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Snowy Egret at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Monkey in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Monkey in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Sloth in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Sloth in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Monkey in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Monkey in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Sloth in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Sloth in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Egret in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Egret in a tree at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Biker that started in the USA and is headed to Argentina

Biker that started in the USA and is headed to Argentina

Bungee jumper near Jaco, Costa Rica

Bungee jumper near Jaco, Costa Rica

Sunset at Jaco, Costa Rica

Sunset at Jaco, Costa Rica

Lizard at restaurant in Jaco, Costa Rica

Lizard at restaurant in Jaco, Costa Rica

Crocodiles in Tarcoles River north of Jaco, Costa Rica

Crocodiles in Tarcoles River north of Jaco, Costa Rica

People getting drinks at the bar on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo

People getting drinks at the bar on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo

People dancing on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo

People dancing on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo

People dancing on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo

People dancing on the ferry from Puntarenas to Playa Naranjo

Egret on rock near Playa Naranjo

Egret on rock near Playa Naranjo

Snowy Egret on rock near Playa Naranjo

Snowy Egret on rock near Playa Naranjo

Bird near Playa Naranjo

Bird near Playa Naranjo

Egret in water near Playa Naranjo

Egret in water near Playa Naranjo

Ferry seen from Playa Naranjo

Ferry seen from Playa Naranjo

Bird flying north of Playa Naranjo

Bird flying north of Playa Naranjo

Bird on telephone line north of Playa Naranjo

Bird on telephone line north of Playa Naranjo

Pin ball machine in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Pin ball machine in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Pin ball machines in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Pin ball machines in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Ted's bike in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Ted's bike north of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike north of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Deisel truck north of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Deisel truck north of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

Nicaragua boarder in Costa Rica

Nicaragua boarder in Costa Rica

Spider at Santa Rosa National Park

Spider at Santa Rosa National Park

Spider at Santa Rosa National Park

Spider at Santa Rosa National Park

Cyclist in Liberia, Costa Rica

Cyclist in Liberia, Costa Rica

Home in Liberia, Costa Rica

Home in Liberia, Costa Rica

Deisel truck in Liberia, Costa Rica

Deisel truck in Liberia, Costa Rica

Building in Liberia, Costa Rica

Building in Liberia, Costa Rica

Car near White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal

Car near White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal

People feeding White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal

People feeding White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal

Ted near White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal

Ted near White Nosed Coatis near Volcano Arenal

River with Volcano Arenal in background

River with Volcano Arenal in background

Ted taking the skytram to top of the zipline area near Volcano Arenal

Ted taking the skytram to top of the zipline area near Volcano Arenal

Ted at the top of the skytram near Volcano Arenal

Ted at the top of the skytram near Volcano Arenal

Ted on zipline near Volcano Arenal

Ted on zipline near Volcano Arenal

This animal looked like a Kinkajous near Volcano Arenal

This animal looked like a Kinkajous near Volcano Arenal

Toucans in tree near Volcano Arenal.

Toucans in tree near Volcano Arenal.

Toucan in tree near Volcano Arenal

Toucan in tree near Volcano Arenal

Howler Monkey in a tree near Volcano Arenal

Howler Monkey in a tree near Volcano Arenal

Sloth in a tree near Volcano Arenal

Sloth in a tree near Volcano Arenal

Plant near Volcano Arenal

Plant near Volcano Arenal

Straw hut in a village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Straw hut in a village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Family in hut at village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Family in hut at village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Beds in hut at village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Beds in hut at village by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Bridge by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Bridge by Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal

Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal.

Futuna Falls near Volcano Arenal.

Hot springs near Volcano Arenal

Hot springs near Volcano Arenal

Hot springs near Volcano Arenal

Hot springs near Volcano Arenal



Ted's bike in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Ted's bike near police station in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike near police station in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Whimbrel near Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Whimbrel near Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Ted's bike in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Ted’s bike in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Home in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Home in Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Plant in Playa Chiquita, Costa Rica

Plant in Playa Chiquita, Costa Rica

Police station in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Police station in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Boat near Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Boat near Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Downtown Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Ted's hotel room at Paos Lodge, Costa Rica

Ted’s hotel room at Paos Lodge, Costa Rica

Statistics at Paos Lodge, Costa Rica

Statistics at Paos Lodge, Costa Rica

Hug leaves on plants near Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Hug leaves on plants near Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Ted over looking lake in Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Ted over looking lake in Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Ted overlooking Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Ted overlooking Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Ted near huge leaves at Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Ted near huge leaves at Volcano Paos, Costa Rica

Common chlorospingus at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Common chlorospingus at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

White-crowned parrot La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

White-crowned parrot La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Toucan near La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Toucan near La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Flower near La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Flower near La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Morpho butterfly with cocoons at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Morpho butterfly with cocoons at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Thoas swallowtail butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Thoas swallowtail butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Morpho Butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Morpho Butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Hummingbird at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Hummingbird at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Pool at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Pool at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Bird at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Bird at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted taking a photo of a Morpho butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted taking a photo of a Morpho butterfly at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ruby Spotted Swallowtail at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ruby Spotted Swallowtail at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Blue-Frosted Banner at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Blue-Frosted Banner at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Common Morpho at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Common Morpho at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted near oxen at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted near oxen at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Man with oxen and cart at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Man with oxen and cart at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Kitchen display at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Kitchen display at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Strawberry Poison Dart Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Strawberry Poison Dart Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Red Eyed Tree Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Red Eyed Tree Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Small red frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Small red frog at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Violet Sabrewing at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Violet Sabrewing at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Brown snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Brown snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Yellow snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Yellow snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Green snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Green snake at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Red flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Red flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Purple flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Purple flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Red and yellow flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Red and yellow flower at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Ted at the water fall at La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

Church at Alajuela, Costa Rica

Church at Alajuela, Costa Rica