T24 ALL PHOTOS – Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua 13

Advertisement sign in Guatemala City, since I do not understand Spanish I am not sure what they are advertising. Man peeing on bus tire in Guatemala City. View of Guatemala City from Bridge near downtown People selling stuff on bridge walking overpass in Guatemala City.
Guatemala City Guatemala City Guatemala City Guatemala City
Typical road in downtown part of Guatemala city. Tree growing on wall of a Guatemala City historic site Some sort of running event in Guatemala city. Santa Clause in Guatemala City
Guatemala City Guatemala City Guatemala City Guatemala City
Female Santa dance group in front of Christmas tree in Guatemala City. McDonald's delivery vehicles in Guatemala City. Ted with bike near Guatemala City and a man that was interested in Ted's trip.  The man was a cyclist and was in his car with his lady. A bus dropping off people with their gear from a typical Central America bus.  These people had a lot of gear on top of the bus.
Guatemala City Guatemala City Guatemala Guatemala
People selling souvenirs in the town of Antigua, Guatemala Ted's bike near cobble stone road in Antigua, Guatemala Statue man in Antigua, Guatemala.Real guy making a living. Fountain in Antigua, Guatemala
Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala
Church in Antigua, Guatemala. Building in Antigua, Guatemala Building in Antigua, Guatemala Horse drawn carriage in Antigua, Guatemala
Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala
Lady carrying food to sell on her head in Antigua, Guatemala Fountain in Antigua, Guatemala Ladies taking a photo in front of a fountain in Antigua, Guatemala Church in Antigua, Guatemala
Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala
Main tourist road in Antigua, Guatemala Musicians on main tourist street in Antigua, Guatemala Main road in Antigua, Guatemala Guatemala City as seen from hike up Volcano Pacaya
Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Antigua, Guatemala Volcano Pacaya
View of another Volcano from hike up Volcano Pacaya Guide (in orange vest) and other people on guided hike up Volcano Pacaya View of summit of Volcano Pacaya part way up the hike Ted about 500 vertical feet from the top of Volcano Pacaya. This is as high as Ted climbed with the Frenchman before being called down the mountain.
Volcano Pacaya Volcano Pacaya Volcano Pacaya Volcano Pacaya
Man cooking Marshmallow over heat vent on Volcano Pacaya Ted in lava hole on Volcano Pacaya Sunset as seen from about 1000 vertical feet below summit of Volcano Pacaya City lights of Guatemala City as seen from Volcano Pacaya
Volcano Pacaya Volcano Pacaya Volcano Pacaya Volcano Pacaya
Lava Store at about 1000 vertical feet below the summit of Volcano Pacaya Ted's bike as he was leaving Antigua, Guatemala Typical Central American bus Photo of volcano looking over someone's wall, note the glass is cemented into the wall so people will not enter the person's yard.  This is a cheaper alternative to barbed wire fences.
Volcano Pacaya Antigua, Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala
Typical highway view with 3 wheeled taxi. Motor cycle repair shop in Guatemala. Typical automotive repair shop in Guatemala Truck on side of road in Guatemala, its been there for a while the weeds have completely convered the trailer bed.
Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala
Looking back at the entering Guatemala sign as Ted was about to enter El Salvador Ted at the border of El Salvador Cart loaded with wood going down a hill, Ted's guess is the wood is probably used for cooking. Play house at fancy motel in El Salvador near Apaneca, El Salvador
Guatemala El Salvador El Salvador Apaneca, El Salvador
Fancy motel Ted stayed at near Apaneca, El Salvador.  Ted thinks he was the only guest that night. Flowers near highway next to Ted's bike in El Salvador – not common People riding in the back of a truck, this is very common in all the Central American countries Typical jungle vegetation in El Salvador
Apaneca, El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
There are 22 volcanoes in El Salvador and the country is about the size of Massachusetts.  This is Ted's bike in front of a couple of the volcanoes Another view of a couple of the volcanoes in El Salvador. Typical long distance bus in Central America, this one does not have a rack on the roof.  Maybe this is a local bus? Man carrying his goods, it probably weights a lot.  People are always carrying big loads in Central America.
El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
Typical highway view in El Salvador, here a man is taking a load of stuff somewhere on his bike, maybe the market. Typical highway view in El Salvador, here people are taking loads somewhere on his motorcycles and trucks, maybe the market. Typical highway view in El Salvador, here a man is taking a very long log somewhere on his bike Ted's bike before entering a tunnel on highway in El Salvador.
El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
View of El Salvador coast. People on the beach at sunset across the road from the motel Ted stayed in near El Zunzai, El Salvador View of beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador View of beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador
El Salvador El Zunzai, El Salvador El Zunzai, El Salvador El Zunzai, El Salvador
Beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador Beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador Men fishing near beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador Lady getting ready to surf at beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador
El Zunzai, El Salvador El Zunzai, El Salvador El Zunzai, El Salvador El Zunzai, El Salvador
Ted in front of the motel room where he stayed near El Zunzai, El Salvador Cows on highway in El Salvador Typical view of vehicles near El Salvador highway.  Tour bus and truck full of cows. Most of the big highway trucks are Freightliner trucks in Central America, yea!
El Zunzai, El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
Some of the older trucks are Mercedes in Central America Fruit being sold from the back of a truck in El Salvador, people riding on the back of trucks is very common in Central America Roadside watermelon sales stand in El Salvador. It's common to see people loaded in the back of a truck as transportation.  It is also common to see people walking along the highway carrying machetes.
El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
People drag their feet through the corn on the side of the road, I often saw this, but am not sure why they do this. The small sticks must be very important, since I often saw trucks like this loaded with sticks in Central America.  I think they are used for cooking. This was the closest Ted came to San Salvador, El Salvador – 37 KM (about 23 miles) This truck has probably been on the side of the road for a long time in El Salvador, weeds are starting to cover the truck.
El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
The man helped Ted fix his bike trailer when Ted lost an important screw that held the trailer between the bike and suitcase (trailer) Cows walking the highway in El Salvador. Corn on the side of the road before it is removed from the cobs. In Central America after removing the corn kernels from the cobs, people will drag their feet through the corn kernels on the side of the road. Burning a field in El Salvador, I think this is so they can start a new crop next year.
El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
One of the 22 volcanoes found in El Salvador, on highway near Santa Elena, probably Volcano San Miguel. Lady in party dress getting a ride on a motorcycle in El Salvador. Man at motel where Ted stayed at in Santa Rosa De Lima, El Salvador. Freightliner trucks near El Salvador / Honduras border
El Salvador El Salvador Santa Rosa De Lima El Salvador
Cows on main highway in El Salvador. In El Salvador about to cross the border into Honduras. Ted with his bike in Honduras at El Salvador / Honduras border. Lady carrying stuff on her head in Honduras.
El Salvador El Salvador Honduras Honduras
Nice home in Honduras. People riding in the back of a truck in Honduras. Cows near the road in Honduras. People selling rain deer made out of straw in Honduras.
Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras
People cleaning their cloths in a river in Honduras. Store in Honduras. Vultures near highway in Honduras. Man carrying a machete on his bike in Honduras.
Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras
Ox drawn cart in Honduras. Peoples with tied up iguanas in Honduras. Ted thinks they were selling them. House in Honduras. Lady carrying something on her head in Honduras.
Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras
Ted's bike at gas station in Honduras. Typical town with Bimbo bread truck in Honduras. People fishing in river in Honduras. Ted's bike entering Nicaragua from Honduras.
Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras
Ted's bike in Nicaragua near Honduras border. Bicycle taxi in Nicaragua. Trucks in Nicaragua waiting to enter Honduras. Corn kernels drying on the road in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua
House in Nicaragua. Homes with people sleeping in hammock in Nicaragua. Friendly kid from Nicaragua pointing his fingers at me like a gun, he was riding a very nice motorcycle and was curious about my trip. We traded e-mail address and I gave him a gobikeride.com card, so he could check out my Web Site. Horse drawn carriage in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua
Church in Leon, Nicaragua. Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua. Man selling bananas on the streets of Leon, Nicaragua. Road work in Leon, Nicaragua, on one side of road there is police tape. If you were coming from any of the other 3 sides you could easily walk into the hole without noticing. I often saw unmarked holes in roads and sidewalks in Central America. That's another reason not to go out at nights, along with high crime rates at night.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Streets near center of Leon, Nicaragua. People selling souvenirs near church at square in Leon, Nicaragua. Sight in front of church in center square of Leon, Nicaragua. Window in Leon, Nicaragua.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Theater in Leon, Nicaragua. Door in Leon, Nicaragua. Door in Leon, Nicaragua. Door in Leon, Nicaragua.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Horse drawn carriages in Leon, Nicaragua. Mural of naked people in Leon, Nicaragua. Mural of military-civilian conflict in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war. Mural in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Mural in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war. Church in Leon, Nicaragua. Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua. Church in Leon, Nicaragua.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua. Statue inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua. People outside church in Leon, Nicaragua. Ted outside church in Leon, Nicaragua.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Statue with ladders on top of a church in Leon, Nicaragua. Bell near top of church in Leon, Nicaragua. Ted in front of church in Leon, Nicaragua. Ted in front of church in Leon, Nicaragua.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua
Home of Poet Rubeu Dario in Leon, Nicaragua. Church in Leon, Nicaragua. Best Western hotel in Leon, Nicaragua. This hotel has no restaurant, no lounge (or bar), no window and no swimming pool. Also the hot water did not work in the room Ted rented, but it may have been the best Hotel in Leon. Man carrying wood on his bike in Nicaragua.
Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua Nicaragua
Man driving horse drawn carriage on highway in Nicaragua. Ted's bike at typical stop in Nicaragua. Highway store in Nicaragua. This was the only stretch of Highway Ted came across that was not paved. It was a 13 mile stretch of highway 12 not far from Managua, Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Managua, Nicaragua
Sheep on highway 12 not far from Managua, Nicaragua. People riding on truck in Nicaragua. Motel Ted stayed at near Diriamba, Nicaragua. Church in Nicaragua, probably in Jinotepe.
Managua, Nicaragua Nicaragua Diriamba, Nicaragua Nicaragua
Ted's bike with men that are running and guarding the lubricant store near gas station in Nicaragua. Man riding bike with basket in Nicaragua. Bird in Nicaragua. People cleaning up in river in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua
Ox drawn banana cart in Nicaragua. Bike carrying 5 gallon buckets of water in Nicaragua. Fruit stand in Nicaragua. Rivas, Nicaragua, furthest south point of Ted's 24 th long distance bike trip.
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Rivas, Nicaragua
Church in San Jorge, Nicaragua. Ted's bike on boat to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted on boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted on boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.
San Jorge, Nicaragua Ometepe Island Ometepe Island Ometepe Island
Boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, from boat Ted was on in Lake Nicaragua. Boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, from boat Ted was on in Lake Nicaragua. Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe island from boat Ted is on in Lake Nicaragua. Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe island from boat Ted is on in Lake Nicaragua.
Ometepe Island Ometepe Island Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion
Ted's bike on Ometepe Island with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua. Ted and his bike with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua. Ted and his bike with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua. Sign on building in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.
Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Moyogalua, Nicaragua
Tourist sign of Volcano Concepcion in Moyogalua, Nicaragua. Christmas lights in Moyogalua, Nicaragua. Children preparing for parade in Moyogalua, Nicaragua. Fireworks being set off in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.
Moyogalua, Nicaragua Moyogalua, Nicaragua Moyogalua, Nicaragua Moyogalua, Nicaragua
Start of climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted's guide for climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted at start of climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Man from Czechoslovakia with Ted's guide on climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.
Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion
The group that Ted and his guide followed up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted at the top of Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. The top of Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted's guide on the way down from Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.
Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion
Ted resting on the way down Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. View coming down from Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Ted's guide on Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. View looking up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.Cloudy day, what a bummer!
Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion
View looking across Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. People coming up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. The motor cycle Ted rented and drove around on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua after he climber Volcano Concepcion. The motor cycle Ted rented and drove around on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua after he climber Volcano Concepcion.
Volcano Concepcion Volcano Concepcion Ometepe Island Ometepe Island
A lady Ted met as he was leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. She had biked from Northern Alaska to Ometepe Island and was planning on continuing to Tierra Del Fuego on the southern tip of South America. The Hostel Ted stayed in at Moyogalua, Nicaragua. Statue of the 2 volcanoes on Ometepe Island near boat dock at Moyogalua, Nicaragua. Ted's bike on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.
Ometepe Island Moyogalua, Nicaragua Moyogalua, Nicaragua Moyogalua, Nicaragua
People loaded on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. People loaded on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Truck unloading from boat that returned from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.
Ometepe Island Ometepe Island Ometepe Island San Jorge, Nicaragua
Ted's bike with boat he took from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua in background. People loading Ted's bike on bus that he took to Guanacasta, Nicaragua. People dropping Ted and his bike off bus at Guanacasta, Nicaragua. Man from Germany biking to Granada, Nicaragua.
San Jorge, Nicaragua San Jorge, Nicaragua Guanacasta, Nicaragua Guanacasta, Nicaragua
Kids pushing drum of liquid in Nicaragua. People loaded in truck near Granada, Nicaragua. Ted's bike at cemetery near Granada, Nicaragua. Ted's bike at cemetery near Granada, Nicaragua.
Guanacasta, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Ted's bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua. Ted's bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua. Ted's bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua. Fountain near square at main church in Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua. Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua. Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua. Cows in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Fountain in Granada, Nicaragua. Market in Granada, Nicaragua. Street near market in Granada, Nicaragua. Street near market in Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Horse drawn carriage in Granada, Nicaragua. People running an electric line in Granada, Nicaragua. Market in Granada, Nicaragua. Market in Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Souvenir stands near main square in Granada, Nicaragua. Horse drawn carriages near main square in Granada, Nicaragua. The cannon that points toward Catholic church in Granada, Nicaragua. The cannon pointed at Catholic Church in Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Door near Main Square in Granada, Nicaragua. Fenced off Train in Granada, Nicaragua. Birds in Lake Nicaragua near Granada, Nicaragua. Birds in Lake Nicaragua near Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Man fishing in Lake Nicaragua at Island near Granada. Man paddling a lady in Lake Nicaragua at Islands near Granada. Tourist area in Lake Nicaragua at Islands near Granada. Osprey in tree on Island near Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua Granada, Nicaragua
Man in striped shirt was Ted's boat captain for trip to island near Granada, Nicaragua. Turtle Shells and shark Jaws collected from Lake Nicaragua. These are fresh water sharks and turtles. Cannon on tourist island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. House on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.
Granada, Nicaragua
House on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. Monkey in tree on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. Houses on one of the bigger islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. Thick vegetation on one of the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.
House with large tree growing straight out on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. House on one of the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. The boat Ted took to check out the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada. Motorcycle pulling wagon of hay near Granada, Nicaragua.
Church in Granada, Nicaragua. Store in Nicaragua. Bus in Nicaragua. Bus in Nicaragua.
Traffic in Nicaragua. Grocery store near Tipitapa, Nicaragua. Ted with his bike at the Hotel Camino Real near Managua International Airport (MGA), Nicaragua. Ted's bike packed and ready to fly back to Portland from Hotel Camino Real near Managua International Airport (MGA), Nicaragua.

Advertisement sign in Guatemala City, since I do not understand Spanish I am not sure what they are advertising.

Advertisement sign in Guatemala City, since I do not understand Spanish I am not sure what they are advertising.

Man peeing on bus tire in Guatemala City.

Man peeing on bus tire in Guatemala City.

View of Guatemala City from Bridge near downtown

View of Guatemala City from Bridge near downtown

People selling stuff on bridge walking overpass in Guatemala City.

People selling stuff on bridge walking overpass in Guatemala City.

Typical road in downtown part of Guatemala city.

Typical road in downtown part of Guatemala city.

Tree growing on wall of a Guatemala City historic site

Tree growing on wall of a Guatemala City historic site

Some sort of running event in Guatemala city.

Some sort of running event in Guatemala city.

Santa Clause in Guatemala City

Santa Clause in Guatemala City

Female Santa dance group in front of Christmas tree in Guatemala City.

Female Santa dance group in front of Christmas tree in Guatemala City.

McDonald's delivery vehicles in Guatemala City.

McDonald’s delivery vehicles in Guatemala City.

Ted with bike near Guatemala City and a man that was interested in Ted's trip.  The man was a cyclist and was in his car with his lady.

Ted with bike near Guatemala City and a man that was interested in Ted’s trip. The man was a cyclist and was in his car with his lady.

A bus dropping off people with their gear from a typical Central America bus.  These people had a lot of gear on top of the bus.

A bus dropping off people with their gear from a typical Central America bus. These people had a lot of gear on top of the bus.

People selling souvenirs in the town of Antigua, Guatemala

People selling souvenirs in the town of Antigua, Guatemala

Ted's bike near cobble stone road in Antigua, Guatemala

Ted’s bike near cobble stone road in Antigua, Guatemala

Statue man in Antigua, Guatemala.Real guy making a living.

Statue man in Antigua, Guatemala.Real guy making a living.

Fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

Fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

Church in Antigua, Guatemala.

Church in Antigua, Guatemala.

Building in Antigua, Guatemala

Building in Antigua, Guatemala

Building in Antigua, Guatemala

Building in Antigua, Guatemala

Horse drawn carriage in Antigua, Guatemala

Horse drawn carriage in Antigua, Guatemala

Lady carrying food to sell on her head in Antigua, Guatemala

Lady carrying food to sell on her head in Antigua, Guatemala

Fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

Fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

Ladies taking a photo in front of a fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

Ladies taking a photo in front of a fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

Church in Antigua, Guatemala

Church in Antigua, Guatemala

Main tourist road in Antigua, Guatemala

Main tourist road in Antigua, Guatemala

Musicians on main tourist street in Antigua, Guatemala

Musicians on main tourist street in Antigua, Guatemala

Main road in Antigua, Guatemala

Main road in Antigua, Guatemala

Guatemala City as seen from hike up Volcano Pacaya

Guatemala City as seen from hike up Volcano Pacaya

View of another Volcano from hike up Volcano Pacaya

View of another Volcano from hike up Volcano Pacaya

Guide (in orange vest) and other people on guided hike up Volcano Pacaya

Guide (in orange vest) and other people on guided hike up Volcano Pacaya

View of summit of Volcano Pacaya part way up the hike

View of summit of Volcano Pacaya part way up the hike

Ted about 500 vertical feet from the top of Volcano Pacaya. This is as high as Ted climbed with the Frenchman before being called down the mountain.

Ted about 500 vertical feet from the top of Volcano Pacaya. This is as high as Ted climbed with the Frenchman before being called down the mountain.

Man cooking Marshmallow over heat vent on Volcano Pacaya

Man cooking Marshmallow over heat vent on Volcano Pacaya

Ted in lava hole on Volcano Pacaya

Ted in lava hole on Volcano Pacaya

Sunset as seen from about 1000 vertical feet below summit of Volcano Pacaya

Sunset as seen from about 1000 vertical feet below summit of Volcano Pacaya

City lights of Guatemala City as seen from Volcano Pacaya

City lights of Guatemala City as seen from Volcano Pacaya

Lava Store at about 1000 vertical feet below the summit of Volcano Pacaya

Lava Store at about 1000 vertical feet below the summit of Volcano Pacaya

Ted's bike as he was leaving Antigua, Guatemala

Ted’s bike as he was leaving Antigua, Guatemala

Typical Central American bus

Typical Central American bus

Photo of volcano looking over someone's wall, note the glass is cemented into the wall so people will not enter the person's yard.  This is a cheaper alternative to barbed wire fences.

Photo of volcano looking over someone’s wall, note the glass is cemented into the wall so people will not enter the person’s yard. This is a cheaper alternative to barbed wire fences.

Typical highway view with 3 wheeled taxi.

Typical highway view with 3 wheeled taxi.

Motor cycle repair shop in Guatemala.

Motor cycle repair shop in Guatemala.

Typical automotive repair shop in Guatemala

Typical automotive repair shop in Guatemala

Truck on side of road in Guatemala, its been there for a while the weeds have completely convered the trailer bed.

Truck on side of road in Guatemala, its been there for a while the weeds have completely convered the trailer bed.

Looking back at the entering Guatemala sign as Ted was about to enter El Salvador

Looking back at the entering Guatemala sign as Ted was about to enter El Salvador

Ted at the border of El Salvador

Ted at the border of El Salvador

Cart loaded with wood going down a hill, Ted's guess is the wood is probably used for cooking.

Cart loaded with wood going down a hill, Ted’s guess is the wood is probably used for cooking.

Play house at fancy motel in El Salvador near Apaneca, El Salvador

Play house at fancy motel in El Salvador near Apaneca, El Salvador

Fancy motel Ted stayed at near Apaneca, El Salvador.  Ted thinks he was the only guest that night.

Fancy motel Ted stayed at near Apaneca, El Salvador. Ted thinks he was the only guest that night.

Flowers near highway next to Ted's bike in El Salvador – not common

Flowers near highway next to Ted’s bike in El Salvador – not common

People riding in the back of a truck, this is very common in all the Central American countries

People riding in the back of a truck, this is very common in all the Central American countries

Typical jungle vegetation in El Salvador

Typical jungle vegetation in El Salvador

There are 22 volcanoes in El Salvador and the country is about the size of Massachusetts.  This is Ted's bike in front of a couple of the volcanoes

There are 22 volcanoes in El Salvador and the country is about the size of Massachusetts. This is Ted’s bike in front of a couple of the volcanoes

Another view of a couple of the volcanoes in El Salvador.

Another view of a couple of the volcanoes in El Salvador.

Typical long distance bus in Central America, this one does not have a rack on the roof.  Maybe this is a local bus?

Typical long distance bus in Central America, this one does not have a rack on the roof. Maybe this is a local bus?

Man carrying his goods, it probably weights a lot.  People are always carrying big loads in Central America.

Man carrying his goods, it probably weights a lot. People are always carrying big loads in Central America.

Typical highway view in El Salvador, here a man is taking a load of stuff somewhere on his bike, maybe the market.

Typical highway view in El Salvador, here a man is taking a load of stuff somewhere on his bike, maybe the market.

Typical highway view in El Salvador, here people are taking loads somewhere on his motorcycles and trucks, maybe the market.

Typical highway view in El Salvador, here people are taking loads somewhere on his motorcycles and trucks, maybe the market.

Typical highway view in El Salvador, here a man is taking a very long log somewhere on his bike

Typical highway view in El Salvador, here a man is taking a very long log somewhere on his bike

Ted's bike before entering a tunnel on highway in El Salvador.

Ted’s bike before entering a tunnel on highway in El Salvador.

View of El Salvador coast.

View of El Salvador coast.

People on the beach at sunset across the road from the motel Ted stayed in near El Zunzai, El Salvador

People on the beach at sunset across the road from the motel Ted stayed in near El Zunzai, El Salvador

View of beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador

View of beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador

View of beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador

View of beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Men fishing near beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Men fishing near beach town near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Lady getting ready to surf at beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Lady getting ready to surf at beach near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Ted in front of the motel room where he stayed near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Ted in front of the motel room where he stayed near El Zunzai, El Salvador

Cows on highway in El Salvador

Cows on highway in El Salvador

Typical view of vehicles near El Salvador highway.  Tour bus and truck full of cows.

Typical view of vehicles near El Salvador highway. Tour bus and truck full of cows.

Most of the big highway trucks are Freightliner trucks in Central America, yea!

Most of the big highway trucks are Freightliner trucks in Central America, yea!

Some of the older trucks are Mercedes in Central America

Some of the older trucks are Mercedes in Central America

Fruit being sold from the back of a truck in El Salvador, people riding on the back of trucks is very common in Central America

Fruit being sold from the back of a truck in El Salvador, people riding on the back of trucks is very common in Central America

Roadside watermelon sales stand in El Salvador.

Roadside watermelon sales stand in El Salvador.

It's common to see people loaded in the back of a truck as transportation.  It is also common to see people walking along the highway carrying machetes.

It’s common to see people loaded in the back of a truck as transportation. It is also common to see people walking along the highway carrying machetes.

People drag their feet through the corn on the side of the road, I often saw this, but am not sure why they do this.

People drag their feet through the corn on the side of the road, I often saw this, but am not sure why they do this.

The small sticks must be very important, since I often saw trucks like this loaded with sticks in Central America.  I think they are used for cooking.

The small sticks must be very important, since I often saw trucks like this loaded with sticks in Central America. I think they are used for cooking.

This was the closest Ted came to San Salvador, El Salvador – 37 KM (about 23 miles)

This was the closest Ted came to San Salvador, El Salvador – 37 KM (about 23 miles)

This truck has probably been on the side of the road for a long time in El Salvador, weeds are starting to cover the truck.

This truck has probably been on the side of the road for a long time in El Salvador, weeds are starting to cover the truck.

The man helped Ted fix his bike trailer when Ted lost an important screw that held the trailer between the bike and suitcase (trailer)

The man helped Ted fix his bike trailer when Ted lost an important screw that held the trailer between the bike and suitcase (trailer)

Cows walking the highway in El Salvador.

Cows walking the highway in El Salvador.

Corn on the side of the road before it is removed from the cobs. In Central America after removing the corn kernels from the cobs, people will drag their feet through the corn kernels on the side of the road.

Corn on the side of the road before it is removed from the cobs. In Central America after removing the corn kernels from the cobs, people will drag their feet through the corn kernels on the side of the road.

Burning a field in El Salvador, I think this is so they can start a new crop next year.

Burning a field in El Salvador, I think this is so they can start a new crop next year.

One of the 22 volcanoes found in El Salvador, on highway near Santa Elena, probably Volcano San Miguel.

One of the 22 volcanoes found in El Salvador, on highway near Santa Elena, probably Volcano San Miguel.

Lady in party dress getting a ride on a motorcycle in El Salvador.

Lady in party dress getting a ride on a motorcycle in El Salvador.

Man at motel where Ted stayed at in Santa Rosa De Lima, El Salvador.

Man at motel where Ted stayed at in Santa Rosa De Lima, El Salvador.

Freightliner trucks near El Salvador / Honduras border

Freightliner trucks near El Salvador / Honduras border

Cows on main highway in El Salvador.

Cows on main highway in El Salvador.

In El Salvador about to cross the border into Honduras.

In El Salvador about to cross the border into Honduras.

Ted with his bike in Honduras at El Salvador / Honduras border.

Ted with his bike in Honduras at El Salvador / Honduras border.

Lady carrying stuff on her head in Honduras.

Lady carrying stuff on her head in Honduras.

Nice home in Honduras.

Nice home in Honduras.

People riding in the back of a truck in Honduras.

People riding in the back of a truck in Honduras.

Cows near the road in Honduras.

Cows near the road in Honduras.

People selling rain deer made out of straw in Honduras.

People selling rain deer made out of straw in Honduras.

People cleaning their cloths in a river in Honduras.

People cleaning their cloths in a river in Honduras.

Store in Honduras.

Store in Honduras.

Vultures near highway in Honduras.

Vultures near highway in Honduras.

Man carrying a machete on his bike in Honduras.

Man carrying a machete on his bike in Honduras.

Ox drawn cart in Honduras.

Ox drawn cart in Honduras.

Peoples with tied up iguanas in Honduras. Ted thinks they were selling them.

Peoples with tied up iguanas in Honduras. Ted thinks they were selling them.

House in Honduras.

House in Honduras.

Lady carrying something on her head in Honduras.

Lady carrying something on her head in Honduras.

Ted's bike at gas station in Honduras.

Ted’s bike at gas station in Honduras.

Typical town with Bimbo bread truck in Honduras.

Typical town with Bimbo bread truck in Honduras.

People fishing in river in Honduras.

People fishing in river in Honduras.

Ted's bike entering Nicaragua from Honduras.

Ted’s bike entering Nicaragua from Honduras.

Ted's bike in Nicaragua near Honduras border.

Ted’s bike in Nicaragua near Honduras border.

Bicycle taxi in Nicaragua.

Bicycle taxi in Nicaragua.

Trucks in Nicaragua waiting to enter Honduras.

Trucks in Nicaragua waiting to enter Honduras.

Corn kernels drying on the road in Nicaragua.

Corn kernels drying on the road in Nicaragua.

House in Nicaragua.

House in Nicaragua.

Homes with people sleeping in hammock in Nicaragua.

Homes with people sleeping in hammock in Nicaragua.

Friendly kid from Nicaragua pointing his fingers at me like a gun, he was riding a very nice motorcycle and was curious about my trip. We traded e-mail address and I gave him a gobikeride.com card, so he could check out my Web Site.

Friendly kid from Nicaragua pointing his fingers at me like a gun, he was riding a very nice motorcycle and was curious about my trip. We traded e-mail address and I gave him a gobikeride.com card, so he could check out my Web Site.

Horse drawn carriage in Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriage in Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Man selling bananas on the streets of Leon, Nicaragua.

Man selling bananas on the streets of Leon, Nicaragua.

Road work in Leon, Nicaragua, on one side of road there is police tape. If you were coming from any of the other 3 sides you could easily walk into the hole without noticing. I often saw unmarked holes in roads and sidewalks in Central America. That's another reason not to go out at nights, along with high crime rates at night.

Road work in Leon, Nicaragua, on one side of road there is police tape. If you were coming from any of the other 3 sides you could easily walk into the hole without noticing. I often saw unmarked holes in roads and sidewalks in Central America. That’s another reason not to go out at nights, along with high crime rates at night.

Streets near center of Leon, Nicaragua.

Streets near center of Leon, Nicaragua.

People selling souvenirs near church at square in Leon, Nicaragua.

People selling souvenirs near church at square in Leon, Nicaragua.

Sight in front of church in center square of Leon, Nicaragua.

Sight in front of church in center square of Leon, Nicaragua.

Window in Leon, Nicaragua.

Window in Leon, Nicaragua.

Theater in Leon, Nicaragua.

Theater in Leon, Nicaragua.

Door in Leon, Nicaragua.

Door in Leon, Nicaragua.

Door in Leon, Nicaragua.

Door in Leon, Nicaragua.

Door in Leon, Nicaragua.

Door in Leon, Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriages in Leon, Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriages in Leon, Nicaragua.

Mural of naked people in Leon, Nicaragua.

Mural of naked people in Leon, Nicaragua.

Mural of military-civilian conflict in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.

Mural of military-civilian conflict in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.

Mural in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.

Mural in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.

Mural in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.

Mural in Leon, Nicaragua. Might be in memory of Contra war.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Statue inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Statue inside a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

People outside church in Leon, Nicaragua.

People outside church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Ted outside church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Ted outside church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Statue with ladders on top of a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Statue with ladders on top of a church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Bell near top of church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Bell near top of church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Ted in front of church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Ted in front of church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Ted in front of church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Ted in front of church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Home of Poet Rubeu Dario in Leon, Nicaragua.

Home of Poet Rubeu Dario in Leon, Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Church in Leon, Nicaragua.

Best Western hotel in Leon, Nicaragua. This hotel has no restaurant, no lounge (or bar), no window and no swimming pool. Also the hot water did not work in the room Ted rented, but it may have been the best Hotel in Leon.

Best Western hotel in Leon, Nicaragua. This hotel has no restaurant, no lounge (or bar), no window and no swimming pool. Also the hot water did not work in the room Ted rented, but it may have been the best Hotel in Leon.

Man carrying wood on his bike in Nicaragua.

Man carrying wood on his bike in Nicaragua.

Man driving horse drawn carriage on highway in Nicaragua.

Man driving horse drawn carriage on highway in Nicaragua.

Ted's bike at typical stop in Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike at typical stop in Nicaragua.

Highway store in Nicaragua.

Highway store in Nicaragua.

This was the only stretch of Highway Ted came across that was not paved. It was a 13 mile stretch of highway 12 not far from Managua, Nicaragua.

This was the only stretch of Highway Ted came across that was not paved. It was a 13 mile stretch of highway 12 not far from Managua, Nicaragua.

Sheep on highway 12 not far from Managua, Nicaragua.

Sheep on highway 12 not far from Managua, Nicaragua.

People riding on truck in Nicaragua.

People riding on truck in Nicaragua.

Motel Ted stayed at near Diriamba, Nicaragua.

Motel Ted stayed at near Diriamba, Nicaragua.

Church in Nicaragua, probably in Jinotepe.

Church in Nicaragua, probably in Jinotepe.

Ted's bike with men that are running and guarding the lubricant store near gas station in Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike with men that are running and guarding the lubricant store near gas station in Nicaragua.

Man riding bike with basket in Nicaragua.

Man riding bike with basket in Nicaragua.

Bird in Nicaragua.

Bird in Nicaragua.

People cleaning up in river in Nicaragua.

People cleaning up in river in Nicaragua.

Ox drawn banana cart in Nicaragua.

Ox drawn banana cart in Nicaragua.

Bike carrying 5 gallon buckets of water in Nicaragua.

Bike carrying 5 gallon buckets of water in Nicaragua.

Fruit stand in Nicaragua.

Fruit stand in Nicaragua.

Rivas, Nicaragua, furthest south point of Ted's 24 th long distance bike trip.

Rivas, Nicaragua, furthest south point of Ted’s 24 th long distance bike trip.

Church in San Jorge, Nicaragua.

Church in San Jorge, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike on boat to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike on boat to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted on boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted on boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted on boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted on boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, from boat Ted was on in Lake Nicaragua.

Boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, from boat Ted was on in Lake Nicaragua.

Boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, from boat Ted was on in Lake Nicaragua.

Boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, from boat Ted was on in Lake Nicaragua.

Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe island from boat Ted is on in Lake Nicaragua.

Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe island from boat Ted is on in Lake Nicaragua.

Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe island from boat Ted is on in Lake Nicaragua.

Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe island from boat Ted is on in Lake Nicaragua.

Ted's bike on Ometepe Island with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike on Ometepe Island with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua.

Ted and his bike with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua.

Ted and his bike with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua.

Ted and his bike with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua.

Ted and his bike with Volcano Concepcion in background in Nicaragua.

Sign on building in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Sign on building in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Tourist sign of Volcano Concepcion in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Tourist sign of Volcano Concepcion in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Christmas lights in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Christmas lights in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Children preparing for parade in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Children preparing for parade in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Fireworks being set off in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Fireworks being set off in Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Start of climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Start of climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted's guide for climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted’s guide for climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted at start of climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted at start of climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Man from Czechoslovakia with Ted's guide on climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Man from Czechoslovakia with Ted’s guide on climb up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

The group that Ted and his guide followed up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

The group that Ted and his guide followed up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted at the top of Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted at the top of Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

The top of Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

The top of Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted's guide on the way down from Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted’s guide on the way down from Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted resting on the way down Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted resting on the way down Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

View coming down from Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

View coming down from Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted's guide on Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted’s guide on Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

View looking up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.Cloudy day, what a bummer!

View looking up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.Cloudy day, what a bummer!

View looking across Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

View looking across Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

People coming up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

People coming up Volcano Concepcion on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

The motor cycle Ted rented and drove around on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua after he climber Volcano Concepcion.

The motor cycle Ted rented and drove around on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua after he climber Volcano Concepcion.

The motor cycle Ted rented and drove around on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua after he climber Volcano Concepcion.

The motor cycle Ted rented and drove around on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua after he climber Volcano Concepcion.

A lady Ted met as he was leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. She had biked from Northern Alaska to Ometepe Island and was planning on continuing to Tierra Del Fuego on the southern tip of South America.

A lady Ted met as he was leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. She had biked from Northern Alaska to Ometepe Island and was planning on continuing to Tierra Del Fuego on the southern tip of South America.

The Hostel Ted stayed in at Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

The Hostel Ted stayed in at Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Statue of the 2 volcanoes on Ometepe Island near boat dock at Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Statue of the 2 volcanoes on Ometepe Island near boat dock at Moyogalua, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

People loaded on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

People loaded on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

People loaded on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

People loaded on boat leaving Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Boat headed to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Truck unloading from boat that returned from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Truck unloading from boat that returned from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike with boat he took from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua in background.

Ted’s bike with boat he took from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua in background.

People loading Ted's bike on bus that he took to Guanacasta, Nicaragua.

People loading Ted’s bike on bus that he took to Guanacasta, Nicaragua.

People dropping Ted and his bike off bus at Guanacasta, Nicaragua.

People dropping Ted and his bike off bus at Guanacasta, Nicaragua.

Man from Germany biking to Granada, Nicaragua.

Man from Germany biking to Granada, Nicaragua.

Kids pushing drum of liquid in Nicaragua.

Kids pushing drum of liquid in Nicaragua.

People loaded in truck near Granada, Nicaragua.

People loaded in truck near Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike at cemetery near Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike at cemetery near Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike at cemetery near Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike at cemetery near Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted's bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Fountain near square at main church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Fountain near square at main church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Cows in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Cows in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Fountain in Granada, Nicaragua.

Fountain in Granada, Nicaragua.

Market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Street near market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Street near market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Street near market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Street near market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriage in Granada, Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriage in Granada, Nicaragua.

People running an electric line in Granada, Nicaragua.

People running an electric line in Granada, Nicaragua.

Market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Market in Granada, Nicaragua.

Souvenir stands near main square in Granada, Nicaragua.

Souvenir stands near main square in Granada, Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriages near main square in Granada, Nicaragua.

Horse drawn carriages near main square in Granada, Nicaragua.

The cannon that points toward Catholic church in Granada, Nicaragua.

The cannon that points toward Catholic church in Granada, Nicaragua.

The cannon pointed at Catholic Church in Granada, Nicaragua.

The cannon pointed at Catholic Church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Door near Main Square in Granada, Nicaragua.

Door near Main Square in Granada, Nicaragua.

Fenced off Train in Granada, Nicaragua.

Fenced off Train in Granada, Nicaragua.

Birds in Lake Nicaragua near Granada, Nicaragua.

Birds in Lake Nicaragua near Granada, Nicaragua.

Birds in Lake Nicaragua near Granada, Nicaragua.

Birds in Lake Nicaragua near Granada, Nicaragua.

Man fishing in Lake Nicaragua at Island near Granada.

Man fishing in Lake Nicaragua at Island near Granada.

Man paddling a lady in Lake Nicaragua at Islands near Granada.

Man paddling a lady in Lake Nicaragua at Islands near Granada.

Tourist area in Lake Nicaragua at Islands near Granada.

Tourist area in Lake Nicaragua at Islands near Granada.

Osprey in tree on Island near Granada, Nicaragua.

Osprey in tree on Island near Granada, Nicaragua.

Man in striped shirt was Ted's boat captain for trip to island near Granada, Nicaragua.

Man in striped shirt was Ted’s boat captain for trip to island near Granada, Nicaragua.

Turtle Shells and shark Jaws collected from Lake Nicaragua. These are fresh water sharks and turtles.

Turtle Shells and shark Jaws collected from Lake Nicaragua. These are fresh water sharks and turtles.

Cannon on tourist island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Cannon on tourist island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Monkey in tree on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Monkey in tree on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Houses on one of the bigger islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Houses on one of the bigger islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Thick vegetation on one of the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Thick vegetation on one of the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House with large tree growing straight out on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House with large tree growing straight out on one of the small island in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House on one of the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

House on one of the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

The boat Ted took to check out the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

The boat Ted took to check out the small islands in Lake Nicaragua near Granada.

Motorcycle pulling wagon of hay near Granada, Nicaragua.

Motorcycle pulling wagon of hay near Granada, Nicaragua.

Church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Church in Granada, Nicaragua.

Store in Nicaragua.

Store in Nicaragua.

Bus in Nicaragua.

Bus in Nicaragua.

Bus in Nicaragua.

Bus in Nicaragua.

Traffic in Nicaragua.

Traffic in Nicaragua.

Grocery store near Tipitapa, Nicaragua.

Grocery store near Tipitapa, Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike at the Hotel Camino Real near Managua International Airport (MGA), Nicaragua.

Ted with his bike at the Hotel Camino Real near Managua International Airport (MGA), Nicaragua.

Ted's bike packed and ready to fly back to Portland from Hotel Camino Real near Managua International Airport (MGA), Nicaragua.

Ted’s bike packed and ready to fly back to Portland from Hotel Camino Real near Managua International Airport (MGA), Nicaragua.