T36 ALL PHOTOS – Cycle west USA States 20

Marty and Ted walking over the original Crooked river bridge (1926) with the newer (2000) highway 97 crooked river bridge in the background. Ted at the main visitor center at Malheur wildlife refuge. Hawk in tree at Malheur wildlife refuge. Ted on rock at Buena Vista pond overlook in Malheur wildlife refuge.
Crooked river bridge, OR Malheur wildlife, OR Malheur wildlife, OR Malheur wildlife, OR
Ted and Marty at Kiger Gorge lookout in the Steen Mountains. Ted and Marty at East rim lookout in the Steen Mountains. View of Wildhorse Lake in the Steen Mountains. Deer near campsite at Fish Lake in Steen Mountains.
Steen Mountains, OR Steen Mountains, OR Steen Mountains, OR Steen Mountains, OR
Ted and Marty near Big Indian Gorge in the Steen Mountains. Ted and Marty at entry sign to the Steen Mountains. Owl seen at the Pete French Round Barn State Heritage Site. Ted and Marty at crater in Diamond crater area just north of Steen Mountains.
Steen Mountains, OR Steen Mountains, OR Steen Mountains, OR Steen Mountains, OR
Ted and Marty at crater in Diamond crater area just north of Steen Mountains. McDermitt, Nevada – Ted’s bike near sign as he is leaving his motel at 6:00 AM. Ted’s bike on long straight highway 95 between McDermitt and Winnemucca, Nevada. Orovada, Nevada store – Corner od Highway 293 and Highway 95.
Steen Mountains, OR McDermitt, NV McDermitt, NV Orovada, NV
Warning sign on door of restroom at Orovada rest Area. Ted with his bike at Paradise Summit near Winnemucca, Nevada. Ted with his bike about to descend Paradise Summit near Winnemucca, Nevada. An abondant bar between McDermitt and Winnemucca, Nevada.
Orovada, NV Winnemucca, NV Winnemucca, NV Winnemucca, NV
Ted with his bike as he arrived in Winnemucca, Nevada (around 1:30 PM) Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore trial. Ted and Marty on Tahoe East shore bike trial. Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore bike trial.
Winnemucca, NV Lake Tahoe, NV Lake Tahoe, NV Lake Tahoe, NV
Marty on Tahoe East shore bike trail near Sand Harbor, Nevada. Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore bike trial. Cyclist on Tahoe East shore bike trial. Cave rock seen from Cave Rock state park on lake Tahoe in Nevada.
Lake Tahoe, NV Lake Tahoe, NV Lake Tahoe, NV Lake Tahoe, NV
Cactus Jack’s in Reno, Nevada. Ted at train station at Nevada State railroad Museum. Ted at Carson Pass, California. Lake a little east of Carson Pass, California.
Reno, NV Reno, NV Carson Pass, CA Carson Pass, CA
Sign on Cemetery gate in Clements, California. Grave at cemetery in Clements, California. Tree at Fort Ord near Salinas, California. Old town Sacramento, California.
Clements, CA Clements, CA Salinas, CA Sacramento, CA
Old town Sacramento, California. Joe’s Crab shack in old town Sacramento, California. The Tower Bridge near old town Sacramento, California. The stern wheel, Delta King Hotel in old town Sacramento.
Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA
California State Railroad museum in old town Sacramento. Turkey near a bike trail in Sacramento, California. Smoke or fog near bike trial in the morning in Sacramento. Ted and his bike on Guy West Bridge in Sacramento.
Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA
Ted’s bike in front of the capital building in Sacramento, CA. Ted and his bike on palm tree lined sidewalk next to the Sacramento Capital building. The smoke filed morning sky near lake Shasta. Lake Shasta caverns.
Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Lake Shasta, CA Lake Shasta, CA
Ted and Marty at visitor center at Lake Shasta caverns. Lake Shasta caverns. Lake Shasta caverns. Lake Shasta caverns.
Lake Shasta, CA Lake Shasta, CA Lake Shasta, CA Lake Shasta, CA
Ted and Marty in Lake Shasta caverns. View of houseboats on Lake Shasta through smoke filled sky, from entrance to Lake Shasta caverns. Ted and Marty in front of bus used to get us to the Lake Shasta caverns entrance.
Lake Shasta, CA Lake Shasta, CA Lake Shasta, CA

Marty and Ted walking over the original Crooked river bridge (1926) with the newer (2000) highway 97 crooked river bridge in the background.

Marty and Ted walking over the original Crooked river bridge (1926) with the newer (2000) highway 97 crooked river bridge in the background.

Ted at the main visitor center at Malheur wildlife refuge.

Ted at the main visitor center at Malheur wildlife refuge.

Hawk in tree at Malheur wildlife refuge.

Hawk in tree at Malheur wildlife refuge.

Ted on rock at Buena Vista pond overlook in Malheur wildlife refuge.

Ted on rock at Buena Vista pond overlook in Malheur wildlife refuge.

Ted and Marty at Kiger Gorge lookout in the Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at Kiger Gorge lookout in the Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at East rim lookout in the Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at East rim lookout in the Steen Mountains.

View of Wildhorse Lake in the Steen Mountains.

View of Wildhorse Lake in the Steen Mountains.

Deer near campsite at Fish Lake in Steen Mountains.

Deer near campsite at Fish Lake in Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty near Big Indian Gorge in the Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty near Big Indian Gorge in the Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at entry sign to the Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at entry sign to the Steen Mountains.

Owl seen at the Pete French Round Barn State Heritage Site.

Owl seen at the Pete French Round Barn State Heritage Site.

Ted and Marty at crater in Diamond crater area just north of Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at crater in Diamond crater area just north of Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at crater in Diamond crater area just north of Steen Mountains.

Ted and Marty at crater in Diamond crater area just north of Steen Mountains.

McDermitt, Nevada – Ted’s bike near sign as he is leaving his motel at 6:00 AM.

McDermitt, Nevada – Ted’s bike near sign as he is leaving his motel at 6:00 AM.

Ted’s bike on long straight highway 95 between McDermitt and Winnemucca, Nevada.

Ted’s bike on long straight highway 95 between McDermitt and Winnemucca, Nevada.

Orovada, Nevada store – Corner od Highway 293 and Highway 95.

Orovada, Nevada store – Corner od Highway 293 and Highway 95.

Warning sign on door of restroom at Orovada rest Area.

Warning sign on door of restroom at Orovada rest Area.

Ted with his bike at Paradise Summit near Winnemucca, Nevada.

Ted with his bike at Paradise Summit near Winnemucca, Nevada.

Ted with his bike about to descend Paradise Summit near Winnemucca, Nevada.

Ted with his bike about to descend Paradise Summit near Winnemucca, Nevada.

An abondant bar between McDermitt and Winnemucca, Nevada.

An abondant bar between McDermitt and Winnemucca, Nevada.

Ted with his bike as he arrived in Winnemucca, Nevada (around 1:30 PM)

Ted with his bike as he arrived in Winnemucca, Nevada (around 1:30 PM)

Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore trial.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore trial.

Ted and Marty on Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Ted and Marty on Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Marty on Tahoe East shore bike trail near Sand Harbor, Nevada.

Marty on Tahoe East shore bike trail near Sand Harbor, Nevada.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada seen from Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Cyclist on Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Cyclist on Tahoe East shore bike trial.

Cave rock seen from Cave Rock state park on lake Tahoe in Nevada.

Cave rock seen from Cave Rock state park on lake Tahoe in Nevada.

Cactus Jack’s in Reno, Nevada.

Cactus Jack’s in Reno, Nevada.

Ted at train station at Nevada State railroad Museum.

Ted at train station at Nevada State railroad Museum.

Ted at Carson Pass, California.

Ted at Carson Pass, California.

Lake a little east of Carson Pass, California.

Lake a little east of Carson Pass, California.

Sign on Cemetery gate in Clements, California.

Sign on Cemetery gate in Clements, California.

Grave at cemetery in Clements, California.

Grave at cemetery in Clements, California.

Tree at Fort Ord near Salinas, California.

Tree at Fort Ord near Salinas, California.

Old town Sacramento, California.

Old town Sacramento, California.

Old town Sacramento, California.

Old town Sacramento, California.

Joe’s Crab shack in old town Sacramento, California.

Joe’s Crab shack in old town Sacramento, California.

The Tower Bridge near old town Sacramento, California.

The Tower Bridge near old town Sacramento, California.

The stern wheel, Delta King Hotel in old town Sacramento.

The stern wheel, Delta King Hotel in old town Sacramento.

California State Railroad museum in old town Sacramento.

California State Railroad museum in old town Sacramento.

Turkey near a bike trail in Sacramento, California.

Turkey near a bike trail in Sacramento, California.

Smoke or fog near bike trial in the morning in Sacramento.

Smoke or fog near bike trial in the morning in Sacramento.

Ted and his bike on Guy West Bridge in Sacramento.

Ted and his bike on Guy West Bridge in Sacramento.

Ted’s bike in front of the capital building in Sacramento, CA.

Ted’s bike in front of the capital building in Sacramento, CA.

Ted and his bike on palm tree lined sidewalk next to the Sacramento Capital building.

Ted and his bike on palm tree lined sidewalk next to the Sacramento Capital building.

The smoke filed morning sky near lake Shasta.

The smoke filed morning sky near lake Shasta.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Ted and Marty at visitor center at Lake Shasta caverns.

Ted and Marty at visitor center at Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Lake Shasta caverns.

Ted and Marty in Lake Shasta caverns.

Ted and Marty in Lake Shasta caverns.

View of houseboats on Lake Shasta through smoke filled sky, from entrance to Lake Shasta caverns.

View of houseboats on Lake Shasta through smoke filled sky, from entrance to Lake Shasta caverns.

Ted and Marty in front of bus used to get us to the Lake Shasta caverns entrance.

Ted and Marty in front of bus used to get us to the Lake Shasta caverns entrance.