t43 ALL PHOTOS – Cycling Sweden, Denmark and Germany 23

Ted at the waterfront in Norrköping, Sweden. Ferraris cars near a church in Norrköping, Sweden. Ted's bike with Ferraris cars near the church in Norrköping, Sweden. Train crossing locks in Norsholmsvägen, Sweden.
Norrköping Norrköping Norrköping Norsholmsvägen
Ted's bike near Motorcycle pulling a camper trailer in Sweden. Ted's bike in a small town between Ödeshög and Ölmstad, Sweden. Ted's bike near hotel between Ödeshög and Ölmstad, Sweden. Ted with his bike on trail south of Skillingaryd, Sweden.
Sweden Sweden Sweden Skillingaryd
Old bridge south of Skillingaryd, Sweden. Ted's bike at his cabin at Sjotorpets Camping in Markaryd, Sweden. Island on lake next to Sjotorpets Camping in Markaryd, Sweden. Teds bike on trail near Örkelljunga, Sweden.
Skillingaryd Markaryd Markaryd Örkelljunga
Ted's bike on trail he used to get from Woodlands Country Club back to his GPS route. Ted in front of ruins of Rya kyrkoruin (from the 1100s) Old bridge not far from the ruins of Rya kyrkoruin. This is the Ferry Ted took to go from Helsingborg, Sweden to Helsingør, Denmark.
Sweden Rya kyrkoruin Rya kyrkoruin Helsingborg
Great bike trail between Helsingør, Denmark and Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted with his bike at Porsche show between Helsingør and Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted with his bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted with his bike near Stromma Canal Tour dock (Nyhavn street) in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Helsingør Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen
Ted's bike near boat brewery (Havnegade street) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Cool building with Frankie's Pizza in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted's bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted's bike near train station in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen
Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted took this photo of the little Mermaid in Copenhagen for the Stromma Canal Tour. Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen
Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark. Changing of the guards at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen. Ted in front of a guard at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen. The little Mermaid in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen
Ted with his bike in front of Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen. Ted with his bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark. Statue on top of Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ted's bike on trail south of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen
Cows south of Copenhagen, Denmark. House between Ronnede and Næstved, Denmark. Tower in park at Vordingborg, Denmark. Town of Vordingborg, Denmark.
Copenhagen Næstved Vordingborg Vordingborg
Swans flying over water between Vordingborg and Orehoved, Denmark. Statue in park in Nykøbing, Denmark. Sign at ferry terminal in Gedser, Denmark as you exit ferry from Germany. Light house in Gedser, Denmark.
Vordingborg Nykøbing Gedser Gedser
Southernmost point in Denmark at Gedser, Denmark. Ted with his bike getting ready to board ferry from Gedser, Denmark to Rostock, Germany. Ted on the ferry from Gedser, Denmark to Rostock, Germany. Ted getting off the ferry in Rostock, Germany.
Gedser Gedser Rostock Rostock
Ted in front of path though building in Rostock, Germany. Ted in front of building in Rostock, Germany. Ted in front of statue in Rostock, Germany. The Steintor building in Rostock, Germany.
Rostock Rostock Rostock Rostock
Ted and his bike on trail next to corn field near Kuhs, Germany. Ted on his GPS route between Krakow am see and Malchow, Germany. Malchow, Germany. Ted's campsite slightly north of Leizen, Germany.
Kuhs Malchow Malchow Leizen
Ted in front of Daberturm in Alt Daber, Germany. Fountain at a park in Wittstock, Germany. Ted's bike and path trough building into the town of Wittstock, Germany. Ted with his bike in front of church in Christdorf, Germany.
Daber Wittstock Wittstock Christdorf
Figures made of hay between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany. Bike trail in logging country between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany. Ted cycling on bike trail between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany. Ted next to hemp field between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.
Kyritz Kyritz Kyritz Kyritz
Ted with his bike on trail near Kyritz, Germany. Ted with his bike on trail near Kyritz, Germany. Cyclist between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany. House between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.
Kyritz Kyritz Kyritz Kyritz
River between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany. Dirt road on Ted's GPS route south of Rathenow, Germany. Ted's bike in front of Dorfkirche Zabakuck, Germany. Ted and his bike on a trail just north of Genthin, Germany.
Kyritz Rathenow Zabakuck Genthin
Ted's bike and trailer being taken across bridge in Genthin, Germany. Ted and his bike in front of a windmill in Mützel, Germany. Ted with his bike on a road between Mützel and Drewitz, Germany. Lavender field between Mützel and Drewitz, Germany.
Genthin Mützel Mützel Mützel
Ted with his bike at Town between Loburg and Zerbst, Germany. Ted's bike in front of wine barrel between Loburg and Zerbst, Germany. Ted's bike about to enter the town of Zerbst, Germany.
Loburg Zerbst Zerbst Zerbst
Church of St. Nicholas in Zerbst, Germany. Ted's bike on trail next to highway just south of Zerbst, Germany. Ted in the historic district of Dessau, Germany. Ted in front of a door in the historic district of Dessau, Germany.
Zerbst Zerbst Dessau Dessau
Museum für Stadtgeschichte in Dessau, Germany. Building in Dessau, Germany. Beer brewery in Dessau, Germany. Newer (1904) building south of Dessau, Germany.
Dessau Dessau Dessau Dessau
Church in Leipzig, Germany. Building in Leipzig, Germany. Cyclists in front of the Supreme Administrative Court in Leipzig, Germany. St. Peter's church in Leipzig, Germany.
Leipzig Leipzig Leipzig Leipzig
Inside St. Peter's church in Leipzig, Germany. Statues on St. Peter's church in Leipzig, Germany. Looking at Post Office out the window of Ted's H2 hotel room in Leipzig, Germany. Ted with his bike at the main square in Leipzig, Germany.
Leipzig Leipzig Leipzig Leipzig
Ted's bike at the flooded section of the trail between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany. Ted's bike pulling trailer on hiking trail used to get around the flooded section of the main biking trail between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany. Home between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany. Home between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.
Leipzig Leipzig Hohenleuben Hohenleuben
Ted's bike on great trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany. Ted with his bike on a trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany. Ted with his bike on a trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany. Bike trail lined with Stinging Nettles between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.
Gera Gera Gera Gera
Ted with his bike on road portion of GPS route between Leipzig and Gera, Germany. Another cyclist on a dirt bike path near Gera, Germany. Church and bridge in Gera, Germany Ted's Campsite near Hohenleuben, Germany.
Gera Gera Gera Hohenleuben
Ted's bike on hill between his camp and the town of Hohenleuben, Germany. Lake with a tree on island near Pöllwitz, Germany. Ted with his bike on trail between Pöllwitz and Schollenreuth, Germany. Memorial near Schollenreuth, Germany.
Hohenleuben Pöllwitz Pöllwitz Schollenreuth
Ted in front of the wine barrel shaped cabin he stayed at in Kirchenlamitz, Germany (Wohnmobil und Wohnwagenstellplatz Fichtel Park) The camp manager BBQing dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany. The Schaschlik Ted had for dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany. Other campers at the campground BBQ in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.
Kirchenlamitz Kirchenlamitz Kirchenlamitz Kirchenlamitz
The other camp manager providing shots with dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany. Another camper provided these liquors and we had shots after dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany. Ted with his bike on step uphill dirt road between Kirchenlamitz and Gasthof-Pension Silberhaus, Germany (in Tröstau, Germany). Ted's bike in front of Sandgrube Fischereiverein Hahnbach in Grafenwöhr, Germany.
Kirchenlamitz Kirchenlamitz Kirchenlamitz Grafenwöhr
The unexpected dead end at Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany. The grass road Ted found to get around Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany. The trail Ted found to get to the other side of Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany. Tower in Vilseck, Germany.
Grafenwöhr Grafenwöhr Grafenwöhr Vilseck
Hill between town of Illschwang and Kastl in Metropolitan area of Illschwang, Germany. Church near Valborg, Germany. Ted's bike on the 12th century stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany. Entering the town of Regensburg, Germany on the old stone bridge.
Illschwang Valborg Regensburg Regensburg
The 12th century stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany. Lady doing acrobatics on a line next to the old stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany. Horse drawn carriage at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. People in beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.
Regensburg Regensburg Munich Munich
People in beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Roller coaster ticket office at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. People walking around at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Ted in front the Löwenbräu beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.
Munich Munich Munich Munich
Gingerbread hearts at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Ted in front of Oktoberfest entrance in Munich, Germany. Main square in Füssen, Germany. Ted's bike in front of Forggensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.
Munich Munich Füssen Füssen
Alpsee Lake with Hohenschwangau Castle on the hill near Füssen, Germany. Entry door to Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany. Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany. Ted  on main walking street in Füssen, Germany.
Füssen Füssen Füssen Füssen
Ted with his bike in front of Alpsee Lake near Füssen, Germany. Ted waiting to enter Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany. People waiting to enter Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany. Ted with Neuschwanstein Castle in the background near Füssen, Germany.
Füssen Füssen Füssen Füssen
Ted's bike on a bike trail near Füssen, Germany. Island on Forggensee Lake near Füssen, Germany. Home or lodge near Füssen, Germany. Man fishing from his boat on Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.
Füssen Füssen Füssen Füssen
Hotel Geiger next to Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany. Ted's bike in front of Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany. St. Martin's church in Hopferau, Germany Ted and his bike on bike trail near Hopferau, Germany.
Füssen Füssen Hopferau Hopferau
Cow getting water from movable water tank near Pfronten, Germany. Alpenhotel Krone in Pfronten, Germany. St. Nikolaus church in Pfronten, Germany. Ted and his bike on bike trail approaching Weißensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.
Pfronten Pfronten Pfronten Füssen
Franziskanerklosterkirche next to Lech River in Füssen, Germany. Ted with his bike near the boarder of Austria in Füssen, Germany. Restaurant  in main square in Füssen, Germany. Ted with his bike waiting at the Füssen train station to get on the train to Nuremberg, Germany.
Füssen Füssen Füssen Nuremberg
Ted with his bike near the Konigstor Tower in the historic section of Nuremberg, Germany. Sign on St. Klara's church in Nuremberg, build in 1273. Mauthalle (Former Customs House) in Nuremberg, Germany. The Tugendbrunnen fountain built around 1585 in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Fruit stand at market square in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted with his bike near St. Sebaldus Church in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted with his bike on a walking street in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Kettensteg bridge in Nuremberg, Germany. Palace of Justice building in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted's bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted with his bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Ted with his bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted with his bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted's bike in front of congress hall at the Nazi Party Rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted's bike in front of Zeppelin field at Nazi Party Rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Central Train station in Nuremberg, Germany. Gate door in wall around Nuremberg, Germany. Ted in front of Nassauer Haus in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted behind St. Lawrence Church in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Ted in front of St. Lawrence Church in Nuremberg, Germany. Bronze fountain, Ehekarussell, in Nuremberg, Germany. Bronze fountain, Ehekarussell, in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted in front of Spittlertor tower in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Ted at Hangman's bridge  (1595) in Nuremberg, Germany. Maxbrucke bridge over Pegnitz River in Nuremberg, Germany. Other side of Hangman's bridge  (1595) in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted's bike near museum Bridge in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Ted with his bike at the city gate tower (13th-century) near Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. The wall around Nuremberg near Imperial Castle. Ted's bike in front of Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted at Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
The view from the quartyard entrance to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. The view from the quartyard entrance to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted in front of the Fünfeck tower near Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted with his bike by wall around Nuremberg near Imperial Castle.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Ted's bike in front of Frauen church in Nuremberg, Germany. Ted with his bike in front of Spittlertor tower in Nuremberg, Germany. Medieval art in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Furniture in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Painting in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Night's helmets in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Miniature cannons in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Rifles in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Shields in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Armored suit in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Quartyard in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany. Entrance of Simwell Tower next to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Staircase up Simwell Tower next to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. View of Imperial Castle looking out of Simwell Tower in Nuremberg, Germany. View of Deep Well building and Simwell Tower from Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany. View looking down the 50 meter deep well at Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
Entrance (Galgen gate) to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Ted walking the walls of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. St. James church seen from wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Blade Gate (Klingentor) looking into Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Ted near Strafturm tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Statues in castle garden in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Building in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Herrngasse street (Käthe Wohlfahrt - Weihnachtsdorf = Christmas store) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Ted on Herrngasse street in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. People in town main square (near Marien-Apotheke) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Castel gate clock and bell tower on Herrngasse street in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Ted at Castle Gate in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Beer garden with town hall tower in background at Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Human display cage at the Medieval crime and justice museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Bräustüble cafe in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Kobolzell Gate in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. People in front of town hall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Ted in main square of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Most photographed spot in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany (Plönlein). View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Photo taken from wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
One of the 42 towers in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. View of Gerlachschmiede from the wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Ted walking the walls of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Ted's bike and other cyclists in front of St. Martin Catholic Church in Bamberg, Germany. Ted with his bike at Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany. Grüner Market street near Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany. Ted's bike in front of Green Market Saint Kunigunde
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Ted's bike in front of tunnel in Altes Rathaus building at Bamberg, Germany. Ted in front of the Altes Rathaus building at Bamberg, Germany. Building seen from lower mill bridge (Untere Mühlbrücke) in Bamberg, Germany. Cyclist in Bamberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Fountain seen from Michelsberg monastery Bamberg, Germany. Grape vineyard seen from Michelsberg monastery Bamberg, Germany. Inside view of St. Jakob church in Bamberg, Germany. Street in Bamberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Castle's old court yard (Alte Hofhaltung) in Bamberg, Germany. Statue in garden at New Residence (Staatsbibliothek = State Library) in Bamberg, Germany. The Bamberg Historical Museum at Alte Hofhaltung in Bamberg, Germany. Ted in front of New Residence (Staatsbibliothek = State Library) in Bamberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Bishop coffin in Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany. Ted inside Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany. Organ in Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany. Ted outside the door of Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Buildings in Bamberg, Germany. Ted in front of St. Otto's church in Bamberg, Germany. Lady sitting with bronze friend at the end of the river trail in Bamberg, Germany. Small church in Bamberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Boat in locks of Bamberg, Germany. Little Venice in Bamberg, Germany. View from bridge at Altes Rathaus in Bamberg, Germany. St. Martin Catholic Church in Bamberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg Bamberg
Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany. River in Bamberg, Germany. St. Martin's church in Amberg, Germany. Eh'häusl  (The Little Wedding house) probably the world's smallest hotel (1728) used for poor wedding couple in Amberg, Germany.
Bamberg Bamberg Amberg Amberg
The front door of Eh'häusl (The Little Wedding house) in Amberg, Germany. Entrance to town through wall of Amberg, Germany. The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany. Town Spectacles the reflection can look like a pair of glasses in Amberg, Germany.
Amberg Amberg Amberg Amberg
St. Martin's church in Amberg, Germany. The inside of St. Martin's (original Renaissance Era stained glass) in Amberg, Germany. Hochzeit (Amberg wedding) fountain in Amberg, Germany. The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany near visitor gate.
Amberg Amberg Amberg Amberg
The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany near Nabburg gate. Ted's bike at gate next to Europa Café in Amberg, Germany (near Maxplatz Park). Ted's bike in front of fountain at Gothic town hall (Gotisches Rathaus) in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany. Fountain near Metzgerei Hans Spies gasthaus (butcher shop hans spies inn) in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany.
Amberg Amberg Amberg Amberg
Hall way in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany. Torture chamber in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany. Door to hotel room 16 in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany. Exterior walls of Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.
Amberg Amberg Amberg Amberg
Ted in front of Town Spectacles in Amberg, Germany. Ted's hotel room (room # 1) with exit door at Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany. Ted's bike in gate hall to town next to Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany. Part of the wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany.
Amberg Amberg Amberg Amberg
Ted with his bike in front of Nabburg Gate in Amberg, Germany. Ted with his bike about to travel from Amberg to Munich, Germany. Ted's bike in the train traveling from Amberg to Munich, Germany. Ted's bike in suitcase ready to fly back to Portland in Munich, Germany.
Amberg Amberg Amberg Munich

Ted at the waterfront in Norrköping, Sweden.

Ted at the waterfront in Norrköping, Sweden.

Ferraris cars near a church in Norrköping, Sweden.

Ferraris cars near a church in Norrköping, Sweden.

Ted's bike with Ferraris cars near the church in Norrköping, Sweden.

Ted’s bike with Ferraris cars near the church in Norrköping, Sweden.

Train crossing locks in Norsholmsvägen, Sweden.

Train crossing locks in Norsholmsvägen, Sweden.

Ted's bike near Motorcycle pulling a camper trailer in Sweden.

Ted’s bike near Motorcycle pulling a camper trailer in Sweden.

Ted's bike in a small town between Ödeshög and Ölmstad, Sweden.

Ted’s bike in a small town between Ödeshög and Ölmstad, Sweden.

Ted's bike near hotel between Ödeshög and Ölmstad, Sweden.

Ted’s bike near hotel between Ödeshög and Ölmstad, Sweden.

Ted with his bike on trail south of Skillingaryd, Sweden.

Ted with his bike on trail south of Skillingaryd, Sweden.

Old bridge south of Skillingaryd, Sweden.

Old bridge south of Skillingaryd, Sweden.

Ted's bike at his cabin at Sjotorpets Camping in Markaryd, Sweden.

Ted’s bike at his cabin at Sjotorpets Camping in Markaryd, Sweden.

Island on lake next to Sjotorpets Camping in Markaryd, Sweden.

Island on lake next to Sjotorpets Camping in Markaryd, Sweden.

Teds bike on trail near Örkelljunga, Sweden.

Teds bike on trail near Örkelljunga, Sweden.

Ted's bike on trail he used to get from Woodlands Country Club back to his GPS route.

Ted’s bike on trail he used to get from Woodlands Country Club back to his GPS route.

Ted in front of ruins of Rya kyrkoruin (from the 1100s)

Ted in front of ruins of Rya kyrkoruin (from the 1100s)

Old bridge not far from the ruins of Rya kyrkoruin.

Old bridge not far from the ruins of Rya kyrkoruin.

This is the Ferry Ted took to go from Helsingborg, Sweden to Helsingør, Denmark.

This is the Ferry Ted took to go from Helsingborg, Sweden to Helsingør, Denmark.

Great bike trail between Helsingør, Denmark and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Great bike trail between Helsingør, Denmark and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike at Porsche show between Helsingør and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike at Porsche show between Helsingør and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike near Stromma Canal Tour dock (Nyhavn street) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike near Stromma Canal Tour dock (Nyhavn street) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted's bike near boat brewery (Havnegade street) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted’s bike near boat brewery (Havnegade street) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cool building with Frankie's Pizza in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cool building with Frankie’s Pizza in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted's bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted’s bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted's bike near train station in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted’s bike near train station in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted took this photo of the little Mermaid in Copenhagen for the Stromma Canal Tour.

Ted took this photo of the little Mermaid in Copenhagen for the Stromma Canal Tour.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo Ted took while on the Stromma Canal Tour in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Changing of the guards at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

Changing of the guards at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

Ted in front of a guard at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

Ted in front of a guard at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

The little Mermaid in Copenhagen.

The little Mermaid in Copenhagen.

Ted with his bike in front of Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen.

Ted with his bike in front of Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen.

Ted with his bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted with his bike near statue in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Statue on top of Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Statue on top of Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted's bike on trail south of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ted’s bike on trail south of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cows south of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cows south of Copenhagen, Denmark.

House between Ronnede and Næstved, Denmark.

House between Ronnede and Næstved, Denmark.

Tower in park at Vordingborg, Denmark.

Tower in park at Vordingborg, Denmark.

Town of Vordingborg, Denmark.

Town of Vordingborg, Denmark.

Swans flying over water between Vordingborg and Orehoved, Denmark.

Swans flying over water between Vordingborg and Orehoved, Denmark.

Statue in park in Nykøbing, Denmark.

Statue in park in Nykøbing, Denmark.

Sign at ferry terminal in Gedser, Denmark as you exit ferry from Germany.

Sign at ferry terminal in Gedser, Denmark as you exit ferry from Germany.

Light house in Gedser, Denmark.

Light house in Gedser, Denmark.

Southernmost point in Denmark at Gedser, Denmark.

Southernmost point in Denmark at Gedser, Denmark.

Ted with his bike getting ready to board ferry from Gedser, Denmark to Rostock, Germany.

Ted with his bike getting ready to board ferry from Gedser, Denmark to Rostock, Germany.

Ted on the ferry from Gedser, Denmark to Rostock, Germany.

Ted on the ferry from Gedser, Denmark to Rostock, Germany.

Ted getting off the ferry in Rostock, Germany.

Ted getting off the ferry in Rostock, Germany.

Ted in front of path though building in Rostock, Germany.

Ted in front of path though building in Rostock, Germany.

Ted in front of building in Rostock, Germany.

Ted in front of building in Rostock, Germany.

Ted in front of statue in Rostock, Germany.

Ted in front of statue in Rostock, Germany.

The Steintor building in Rostock, Germany.

The Steintor building in Rostock, Germany.

Ted and his bike on trail next to corn field near Kuhs, Germany.

Ted and his bike on trail next to corn field near Kuhs, Germany.

Ted on his GPS route between Krakow am see and Malchow, Germany.

Ted on his GPS route between Krakow am see and Malchow, Germany.

Malchow, Germany.

Malchow, Germany.

Ted's campsite slightly north of Leizen, Germany.

Ted’s campsite slightly north of Leizen, Germany.

Ted in front of Daberturm in Alt Daber, Germany.

Ted in front of Daberturm in Alt Daber, Germany.

Fountain at a park in Wittstock, Germany.

Fountain at a park in Wittstock, Germany.

Ted's bike and path trough building into the town of Wittstock, Germany.

Ted’s bike and path trough building into the town of Wittstock, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Christdorf, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of church in Christdorf, Germany.

Figures made of hay between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Figures made of hay between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Bike trail in logging country between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Bike trail in logging country between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Ted cycling on bike trail between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Ted cycling on bike trail between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Ted next to hemp field between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Ted next to hemp field between Christdorf and Kyritz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on trail near Kyritz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on trail near Kyritz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on trail near Kyritz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on trail near Kyritz, Germany.

Cyclist between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.

Cyclist between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.

House between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.

House between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.

River between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.

River between Kyritz and Rathenow, Germany.

Dirt road on Ted's GPS route south of Rathenow, Germany.

Dirt road on Ted’s GPS route south of Rathenow, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of Dorfkirche Zabakuck, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Dorfkirche Zabakuck, Germany.

Ted and his bike on a trail just north of Genthin, Germany.

Ted and his bike on a trail just north of Genthin, Germany.

Ted's bike and trailer being taken across bridge in Genthin, Germany.

Ted’s bike and trailer being taken across bridge in Genthin, Germany.

Ted and his bike in front of a windmill in Mützel, Germany.

Ted and his bike in front of a windmill in Mützel, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a road between Mützel and Drewitz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a road between Mützel and Drewitz, Germany.

Lavender field between Mützel and Drewitz, Germany.

Lavender field between Mützel and Drewitz, Germany.

Ted with his bike at

Ted with his bike at “Unser Lieben Frauen” church in Loburg, Germany. (Möckernitzer Damm 6, 39279 Möckern, Germany)

Town between Loburg and Zerbst, Germany.

Town between Loburg and Zerbst, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of wine barrel between Loburg and Zerbst, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of wine barrel between Loburg and Zerbst, Germany.

Ted's bike about to enter the town of Zerbst, Germany.

Ted’s bike about to enter the town of Zerbst, Germany.

Church of St. Nicholas in Zerbst, Germany.

Church of St. Nicholas in Zerbst, Germany.

Ted's bike on trail next to highway just south of Zerbst, Germany.

Ted’s bike on trail next to highway just south of Zerbst, Germany.

Ted in the historic district of Dessau, Germany.

Ted in the historic district of Dessau, Germany.

Ted in front of a door in the historic district of Dessau, Germany.

Ted in front of a door in the historic district of Dessau, Germany.

Museum für Stadtgeschichte in Dessau, Germany.

Museum für Stadtgeschichte in Dessau, Germany.

Building in Dessau, Germany.

Building in Dessau, Germany.

Beer brewery in Dessau, Germany.

Beer brewery in Dessau, Germany.

Newer (1904) building south of Dessau, Germany.

Newer (1904) building south of Dessau, Germany.

Church in Leipzig, Germany.

Church in Leipzig, Germany.

Building in Leipzig, Germany.

Building in Leipzig, Germany.

Cyclists in front of the Supreme Administrative Court in Leipzig, Germany.

Cyclists in front of the Supreme Administrative Court in Leipzig, Germany.

St. Peter's church in Leipzig, Germany.

St. Peter’s church in Leipzig, Germany.

Inside St. Peter's church in Leipzig, Germany.

Inside St. Peter’s church in Leipzig, Germany.

Statues on St. Peter's church in Leipzig, Germany.

Statues on St. Peter’s church in Leipzig, Germany.

Looking at Post Office out the window of Ted's H2 hotel room in Leipzig, Germany.

Looking at Post Office out the window of Ted’s H2 hotel room in Leipzig, Germany.

Ted with his bike at the main square in Leipzig, Germany.

Ted with his bike at the main square in Leipzig, Germany.

Ted's bike at the flooded section of the trail between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted’s bike at the flooded section of the trail between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted's bike pulling trailer on hiking trail used to get around the flooded section of the main biking trail between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted’s bike pulling trailer on hiking trail used to get around the flooded section of the main biking trail between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Home between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Home between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Home between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Home between Leipzig and Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted's bike on great trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted’s bike on great trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a trail between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Bike trail lined with Stinging Nettles between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Bike trail lined with Stinging Nettles between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted with his bike on road portion of GPS route between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Ted with his bike on road portion of GPS route between Leipzig and Gera, Germany.

Another cyclist on a dirt bike path near Gera, Germany.

Another cyclist on a dirt bike path near Gera, Germany.

Church and bridge in Gera, Germany

Church and bridge in Gera, Germany

Ted's Campsite near Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted’s Campsite near Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted's bike on hill between his camp and the town of Hohenleuben, Germany.

Ted’s bike on hill between his camp and the town of Hohenleuben, Germany.

Lake with a tree on island near Pöllwitz, Germany.

Lake with a tree on island near Pöllwitz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on trail between Pöllwitz and Schollenreuth, Germany.

Ted with his bike on trail between Pöllwitz and Schollenreuth, Germany.

Memorial near Schollenreuth, Germany.

Memorial near Schollenreuth, Germany.

Ted in front of the wine barrel shaped cabin he stayed at in Kirchenlamitz, Germany (Wohnmobil und Wohnwagenstellplatz Fichtel Park)

Ted in front of the wine barrel shaped cabin he stayed at in Kirchenlamitz, Germany (Wohnmobil und Wohnwagenstellplatz Fichtel Park)

The camp manager BBQing dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

The camp manager BBQing dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

The Schaschlik Ted had for dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

The Schaschlik Ted had for dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

Other campers at the campground BBQ in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

Other campers at the campground BBQ in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

The other camp manager providing shots with dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

The other camp manager providing shots with dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

Another camper provided these liquors and we had shots after dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

Another camper provided these liquors and we had shots after dinner at the campground in Kirchenlamitz, Germany.

Ted with his bike on step uphill dirt road between Kirchenlamitz and Gasthof-Pension Silberhaus, Germany (in Tröstau, Germany).

Ted with his bike on step uphill dirt road between Kirchenlamitz and Gasthof-Pension Silberhaus, Germany (in Tröstau, Germany).

Ted's bike in front of Sandgrube Fischereiverein Hahnbach in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Sandgrube Fischereiverein Hahnbach in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

The unexpected dead end at Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

The unexpected dead end at Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

The grass road Ted found to get around Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

The grass road Ted found to get around Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

The trail Ted found to get to the other side of Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

The trail Ted found to get to the other side of Baumann Sand And Gravel Works in Grafenwöhr, Germany.

Tower in Vilseck, Germany.

Tower in Vilseck, Germany.

Hill between town of Illschwang and Kastl in Metropolitan area of Illschwang, Germany.

Hill between town of Illschwang and Kastl in Metropolitan area of Illschwang, Germany.

Church near Valborg, Germany.

Church near Valborg, Germany.

Ted's bike on the 12th century stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany.

Ted’s bike on the 12th century stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany.

Entering the town of Regensburg, Germany on the old stone bridge.

Entering the town of Regensburg, Germany on the old stone bridge.

The 12th century stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany.

The 12th century stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany.

Lady doing acrobatics on a line next to the old stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany.

Lady doing acrobatics on a line next to the old stone bridge in Regensburg, Germany.

Horse drawn carriage at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Horse drawn carriage at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

People in beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

People in beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

People in beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

People in beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Roller coaster ticket office at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Roller coaster ticket office at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

People walking around at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

People walking around at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Ted in front the Löwenbräu beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Ted in front the Löwenbräu beer hall at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Gingerbread hearts at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Gingerbread hearts at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Ted in front of Oktoberfest entrance in Munich, Germany.

Ted in front of Oktoberfest entrance in Munich, Germany.

Main square in Füssen, Germany.

Main square in Füssen, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of Forggensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Forggensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Alpsee Lake with Hohenschwangau Castle on the hill near Füssen, Germany.

Alpsee Lake with Hohenschwangau Castle on the hill near Füssen, Germany.

Entry door to Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

Entry door to Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

Ted  on main walking street in Füssen, Germany.

Ted on main walking street in Füssen, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of Alpsee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of Alpsee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Ted waiting to enter Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

Ted waiting to enter Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

People waiting to enter Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

People waiting to enter Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Germany.

Ted with Neuschwanstein Castle in the background near Füssen, Germany.

Ted with Neuschwanstein Castle in the background near Füssen, Germany.

Ted's bike on a bike trail near Füssen, Germany.

Ted’s bike on a bike trail near Füssen, Germany.

Island on Forggensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Island on Forggensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Home or lodge near Füssen, Germany.

Home or lodge near Füssen, Germany.

Man fishing from his boat on Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Man fishing from his boat on Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Hotel Geiger next to Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Hotel Geiger next to Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Hopfensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

St. Martin's church in Hopferau, Germany

St. Martin’s church in Hopferau, Germany

Ted and his bike on bike trail near Hopferau, Germany.

Ted and his bike on bike trail near Hopferau, Germany.

Cow getting water from movable water tank near Pfronten, Germany.

Cow getting water from movable water tank near Pfronten, Germany.

Alpenhotel Krone in Pfronten, Germany.

Alpenhotel Krone in Pfronten, Germany.

St. Nikolaus church in Pfronten, Germany.

St. Nikolaus church in Pfronten, Germany.

Ted and his bike on bike trail approaching Weißensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Ted and his bike on bike trail approaching Weißensee Lake near Füssen, Germany.

Franziskanerklosterkirche next to Lech River in Füssen, Germany.

Franziskanerklosterkirche next to Lech River in Füssen, Germany.

Ted with his bike near the boarder of Austria in Füssen, Germany.

Ted with his bike near the boarder of Austria in Füssen, Germany.

Restaurant  in main square in Füssen, Germany.

Restaurant in main square in Füssen, Germany.

Ted with his bike waiting at the Füssen train station to get on the train to Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike waiting at the Füssen train station to get on the train to Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike near the Konigstor Tower in the historic section of Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike near the Konigstor Tower in the historic section of Nuremberg, Germany.

Sign on St. Klara's church in Nuremberg, build in 1273.

Sign on St. Klara’s church in Nuremberg, build in 1273.

Mauthalle (Former Customs House) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Mauthalle (Former Customs House) in Nuremberg, Germany.

The Tugendbrunnen fountain built around 1585 in Nuremberg, Germany.

The Tugendbrunnen fountain built around 1585 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Fruit stand at market square in Nuremberg, Germany.

Fruit stand at market square in Nuremberg, Germany.

“Ship of Fools” fountain (Narrenschiffbrunnen) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike near St. Sebaldus Church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike near St. Sebaldus Church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a walking street in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike on a walking street in Nuremberg, Germany.

Kettensteg bridge in Nuremberg, Germany.

Kettensteg bridge in Nuremberg, Germany.

Palace of Justice building in Nuremberg, Germany.

Palace of Justice building in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of old town’s surrounding wall in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of old town’s surrounding wall in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of old town’s surrounding wall in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of old town's surrounding wall  in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of old town’s surrounding wall in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of congress hall at the Nazi Party Rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of congress hall at the Nazi Party Rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of Zeppelin field at Nazi Party Rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Zeppelin field at Nazi Party Rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany.

Central Train station in Nuremberg, Germany.

Central Train station in Nuremberg, Germany.

Gate door in wall around Nuremberg, Germany.

Gate door in wall around Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of Nassauer Haus in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of Nassauer Haus in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted behind St. Lawrence Church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted behind St. Lawrence Church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of St. Lawrence Church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of St. Lawrence Church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Bronze fountain, Ehekarussell, in Nuremberg, Germany.

Bronze fountain, Ehekarussell, in Nuremberg, Germany.

Bronze fountain, Ehekarussell, in Nuremberg, Germany.

Bronze fountain, Ehekarussell, in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of Spittlertor tower in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of Spittlertor tower in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted at Hangman's bridge  (1595) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted at Hangman’s bridge (1595) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Maxbrucke bridge over Pegnitz River in Nuremberg, Germany.

Maxbrucke bridge over Pegnitz River in Nuremberg, Germany.

Other side of Hangman's bridge  (1595) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Other side of Hangman’s bridge (1595) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted's bike near museum Bridge in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike near museum Bridge in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike at the city gate tower (13th-century) near Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike at the city gate tower (13th-century) near Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

The wall around Nuremberg near Imperial Castle.

The wall around Nuremberg near Imperial Castle.

Ted's bike in front of Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted at Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted at Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

The view from the quartyard entrance to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

The view from the quartyard entrance to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

The view from the quartyard entrance to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

The view from the quartyard entrance to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of the Fünfeck tower near Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted in front of the Fünfeck tower near Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike by wall around Nuremberg near Imperial Castle.

Ted with his bike by wall around Nuremberg near Imperial Castle.

Ted's bike in front of Frauen church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of Frauen church in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of Spittlertor tower in Nuremberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of Spittlertor tower in Nuremberg, Germany.

Medieval art in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Medieval art in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Furniture in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Furniture in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Painting in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Painting in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Night's helmets in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Night’s helmets in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Miniature cannons in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Miniature cannons in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Rifles in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Rifles in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Shields in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Shields in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Armored suit in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Armored suit in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Quartyard in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Quartyard in Imperial Castle at Nuremberg, Germany.

Entrance of Simwell Tower next to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Entrance of Simwell Tower next to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Staircase up Simwell Tower next to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Staircase up Simwell Tower next to Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

View of Imperial Castle looking out of Simwell Tower in Nuremberg, Germany.

View of Imperial Castle looking out of Simwell Tower in Nuremberg, Germany.

View of Deep Well building and Simwell Tower from Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

View of Deep Well building and Simwell Tower from Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

View looking down the 50 meter deep well at Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

View looking down the 50 meter deep well at Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

Entrance (Galgen gate) to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Entrance (Galgen gate) to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted walking the walls of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted walking the walls of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

St. James church seen from wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

St. James church seen from wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Blade Gate (Klingentor) looking into Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Blade Gate (Klingentor) looking into Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted near Strafturm tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted near Strafturm tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Statues in castle garden in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Statues in castle garden in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Building in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Building in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Herrngasse street (Käthe Wohlfahrt - Weihnachtsdorf = Christmas store) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Herrngasse street (Käthe Wohlfahrt – Weihnachtsdorf = Christmas store) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted on Herrngasse street in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted on Herrngasse street in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

People in town main square (near Marien-Apotheke) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

People in town main square (near Marien-Apotheke) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Castel gate clock and bell tower on Herrngasse street in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Castel gate clock and bell tower on Herrngasse street in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted at Castle Gate in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted at Castle Gate in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Beer garden with town hall tower in background at Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Beer garden with town hall tower in background at Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Human display cage at the Medieval crime and justice museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Human display cage at the Medieval crime and justice museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Bräustüble cafe in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Bräustüble cafe in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Kobolzell Gate in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Kobolzell Gate in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

People in front of town hall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

People in front of town hall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted in main square of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted in main square of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Most photographed spot in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany (Plönlein).

Most photographed spot in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany (Plönlein).

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Photo taken from wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Photo taken from wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

One of the 42 towers in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

One of the 42 towers in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of Gerlachschmiede from the wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of Gerlachschmiede from the wall in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted walking the walls of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted walking the walls of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

View of walled walking trail in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.

Ted's bike and other cyclists in front of St. Martin Catholic Church in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike and other cyclists in front of St. Martin Catholic Church in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike at Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike at Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany.

Grüner Market street near Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany.

Grüner Market street near Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of Green Market Saint Kunigunde

Ted’s bike in front of Green Market Saint Kunigunde “Kuni” in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted's bike in front of tunnel in Altes Rathaus building at Bamberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of tunnel in Altes Rathaus building at Bamberg, Germany.

Ted in front of the Altes Rathaus building at Bamberg, Germany.

Ted in front of the Altes Rathaus building at Bamberg, Germany.

Building seen from lower mill bridge (Untere Mühlbrücke) in Bamberg, Germany.

Building seen from lower mill bridge (Untere Mühlbrücke) in Bamberg, Germany.

Cyclist in Bamberg, Germany.

Cyclist in Bamberg, Germany.

Fountain seen from Michelsberg monastery Bamberg, Germany.

Fountain seen from Michelsberg monastery Bamberg, Germany.

Grape vineyard seen from Michelsberg monastery Bamberg, Germany.

Grape vineyard seen from Michelsberg monastery Bamberg, Germany.

Inside view of St. Jakob church in Bamberg, Germany.

Inside view of St. Jakob church in Bamberg, Germany.

Street in Bamberg, Germany.

Street in Bamberg, Germany.

Castle's old court yard (Alte Hofhaltung) in Bamberg, Germany.

Castle’s old court yard (Alte Hofhaltung) in Bamberg, Germany.

Statue in garden at New Residence (Staatsbibliothek = State Library) in Bamberg, Germany.

Statue in garden at New Residence (Staatsbibliothek = State Library) in Bamberg, Germany.

The Bamberg Historical Museum at Alte Hofhaltung in Bamberg, Germany.

The Bamberg Historical Museum at Alte Hofhaltung in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted in front of New Residence (Staatsbibliothek = State Library) in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted in front of New Residence (Staatsbibliothek = State Library) in Bamberg, Germany.

Bishop coffin in Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Bishop coffin in Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted inside Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted inside Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Organ in Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Organ in Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted outside the door of Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted outside the door of Bamberg Cathedral in Bamberg, Germany.

Buildings in Bamberg, Germany.

Buildings in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted in front of St. Otto's church in Bamberg, Germany.

Ted in front of St. Otto’s church in Bamberg, Germany.

Lady sitting with bronze friend at the end of the river trail in Bamberg, Germany.

Lady sitting with bronze friend at the end of the river trail in Bamberg, Germany.

Small church in Bamberg, Germany.

Small church in Bamberg, Germany.

Boat in locks of Bamberg, Germany.

Boat in locks of Bamberg, Germany.

Little Venice in Bamberg, Germany.

Little Venice in Bamberg, Germany.

View from bridge at Altes Rathaus in Bamberg, Germany.

View from bridge at Altes Rathaus in Bamberg, Germany.

St. Martin Catholic Church in Bamberg, Germany.

St. Martin Catholic Church in Bamberg, Germany.

Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany.

Maximilian square in Bamberg, Germany.

River in Bamberg, Germany.

River in Bamberg, Germany.

St. Martin's church in Amberg, Germany.

St. Martin’s church in Amberg, Germany.

Eh'häusl  (The Little Wedding house) probably the world's smallest hotel (1728) used for poor wedding couple in Amberg, Germany.

Eh’häusl (The Little Wedding house) probably the world’s smallest hotel (1728) used for poor wedding couple in Amberg, Germany.

The front door of Eh'häusl (The Little Wedding house) in Amberg, Germany.

The front door of Eh’häusl (The Little Wedding house) in Amberg, Germany.

Entrance to town through wall of Amberg, Germany.

Entrance to town through wall of Amberg, Germany.

The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany.

The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany.

Town Spectacles the reflection can look like a pair of glasses in Amberg, Germany.

Town Spectacles the reflection can look like a pair of glasses in Amberg, Germany.

St. Martin's church in Amberg, Germany.

St. Martin’s church in Amberg, Germany.

The inside of St. Martin's (original Renaissance Era stained glass) in Amberg, Germany.

The inside of St. Martin’s (original Renaissance Era stained glass) in Amberg, Germany.

Hochzeit (Amberg wedding) fountain in Amberg, Germany.

Hochzeit (Amberg wedding) fountain in Amberg, Germany.

The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany near visitor gate.

The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany near visitor gate.

The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany near Nabburg gate.

The wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany near Nabburg gate.

Ted's bike at gate next to Europa Café in Amberg, Germany (near Maxplatz Park).

Ted’s bike at gate next to Europa Café in Amberg, Germany (near Maxplatz Park).

Ted's bike in front of fountain at Gothic town hall (Gotisches Rathaus) in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in front of fountain at Gothic town hall (Gotisches Rathaus) in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany.

Fountain near Metzgerei Hans Spies gasthaus (butcher shop hans spies inn) in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany.

Fountain near Metzgerei Hans Spies gasthaus (butcher shop hans spies inn) in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany.

Hall way in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Hall way in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Torture chamber in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Torture chamber in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Door to hotel room 16 in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Door to hotel room 16 in Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Exterior walls of Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Exterior walls of Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Ted in front of Town Spectacles in Amberg, Germany.

Ted in front of Town Spectacles in Amberg, Germany.

Ted's hotel room (room # 1) with exit door at Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Ted’s hotel room (room # 1) with exit door at Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Ted's bike in gate hall to town next to Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Ted’s bike in gate hall to town next to Hotel Fronfeste (Prison converted into hotel) in Amberg, Germany.

Part of the wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany.

Part of the wall that surrounds Amberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of Nabburg Gate in Amberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike in front of Nabburg Gate in Amberg, Germany.

Ted with his bike about to travel from Amberg to Munich, Germany.

Ted with his bike about to travel from Amberg to Munich, Germany.

Ted's bike in the train traveling from Amberg to Munich, Germany.

Ted’s bike in the train traveling from Amberg to Munich, Germany.

Ted's bike in suitcase ready to fly back to Portland in Munich, Germany.

Ted’s bike in suitcase ready to fly back to Portland in Munich, Germany.